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nover (overclocking) for CX II

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nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude Khiemmy » 23 Déc 2020, 01:08


Is there by any chance that nover could be updated for the CX II. I would like to overclock my CAS and it is shown that it could be overclocked to 492Mhz and greater. If anyone could update the program to make it compatible for the CX II, it would be greatly appreciated.

- Khiem
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude Hisham » 23 Déc 2020, 08:25

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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude Khiemmy » 23 Déc 2020, 09:20

I have read that article before and is the reason why I posted the thread. I have no programming experience so I reached out to the person who wrote the page (zephray) and he said:
"Unfortunately, I don't have any tool that allows users to easily overclock the calculator. I was using a tool that just allows writing arbitrary values to a register. A better person to ask would be Critor from ti-planet. He is the current maintainer of the nover tool, which is an nspire non-CX-II overclocking tool. He mentioned he would update it to handle CXII several months ago, but I haven't heard back."

So I thought the best place to go to was TI Planet in which I hope that I could get critors' attention. If you're here, please reply. :)
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude critor » 23 Déc 2020, 10:36

NoverII is in development and based on the same partially documented addresses.

The main issue is it's hard to test without an emulator.
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude critor » 23 Déc 2020, 10:48

For the moment, I'm working on a different tool since the CX II is that different.

Reading what we understand for now is ok.

Low speed @288 MHz with the USB connected :

High speed @396 MHz with the USB disconnected :
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude critor » 23 Déc 2020, 18:25

I can overclock up to @492 MHz without any stability issues.

But a useful Nover seems much more complicated than it was on previous Nspire models :
  • each time you connect/disconnect the USB, the CPU config resets back to @288 MHz / @396 MHz
  • worse, each time you turn the calculator off and back on, the CPU config also resets

It looks like we're going to need some kind of a TSR...
Did TI do it on purpose this time too ?
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude Khiemmy » 23 Déc 2020, 22:26

This is great news! I look forward for a public release of noverII and I wish I could help with the development but unfortunately I have no programming experience.

Good luck!
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude critor » 23 Déc 2020, 23:08

It's pretty useless in my opinion...
You'll have to launch it each time you turn the calculator on... or just before launching something big.
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude Khiemmy » 24 Déc 2020, 00:05

I still think it would be better than nothing. Is it possible that you could upload a build of it?
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Re: nover (overclocking) for CX II

Message non lude critor » 24 Déc 2020, 00:24

NoverII is available :

Have fun. :)
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