- Nouvel onglet d'aide Advanced Lua (fichier à mettre en MyLib, et contenu chargé dynamiquement)
- Coloration syntaxique personnalisable
- Découpage des gros scripts automatisé (en morceaux sauvables de 65528 caracteres)
- Support complet de l'unicode
- Sauvegarde automatique
- Amélioration du widget de textinput
- Gestion du cas où la table 'on' se fait écraser
- Fenetre d'astuces pour débutants
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- Custom syntax coloration!
- you can now add new word groups and lua patterns and set their display color
- I added some example entries which you can of course modify and remove
- Scripts are now split into (max. 26) parts with maximum saveble length (65528 chars)
==> Scripts can now have up to 1.7 million characters!
(this feature took very long, because many features like saving, loading, deleting, renaming and transferring have to be able to process parts now)
- "Export via Clipboard"-dialogue added to easier export long scripts via the limited clipboard storage
- Fully functional unicode support
- everything (syntax coloring, find function, etc.) now works correctly in unicode mode (it's just a bit slower)
- Added dialogue, asking for unicode mode when entering a non-ascii-character
- UTF-8-sequence-bytes in not-unicode-mode are now represented by "□"
- Autosave function ("File"=>"Settings"): Saves current code in some events
- Textboxes now have a movable cursor and support paste
- If the on-table gets overwritten during initialization, the programm throws an error
- Added "Tipps & Tricks"-dialogue which shows some useful keycombinations, newcomers might not know
- Fixed (hopefully) all undo & redo bugs
- Modules (like "physics") are now usable more than 1 time

Other changes & improvements:
- "Insert"-menu now only offers to insert statements (use the autocomplete menu for eveything else)
- You can now reset the console via menu=>Delete=>Delete all
- Increased undo history depth from 10 to 20 states
- Pressing a letter button on listboxes makes it select the first item starting with this letter
- Rearranged main menu a bit to make it more handy

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