
Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

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Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude critor » 29 Avr 2018, 11:24

9442Envie d'en apprendre davantage sur toi et ton avenir ?

Plus besoin de rendre visite ou téléphoner (pour fort cher) à ton numérologue. :#non#:

Grâce à Samourai37, ta superbe TI-83 Premium CE se charge désormais de tout avec son nouveau programme NUMLOG. Au menu :
  • chemin de vie
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude Thom986 » 29 Avr 2018, 21:05

Petite typo : Enfin = Envie ?
La réalité, c'est ce qui refuse de disparaître quand on cesse d'y croire. - Philip K. Dick
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude critor » 29 Avr 2018, 21:12

Merci Thom986. :)
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 30 Avr 2018, 07:00

critor a écrit:ta superbe TI-83 Premium CE

Please stop doing this. It looks really childish.
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude critor » 30 Avr 2018, 07:57

I'll gladly stop when the problem is fixed.

It isn't for now. OS 5.3.1 is still the only CE OS served on ti.com.

Until then, every of my front page posts about the CE is going to include such kind of links.
And if it's never fixed, then it means forever.
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude randlog » 30 Avr 2018, 08:05

Je suis d'accord sur l'intention de vouloir un peu marquer le coup et permettre aussi de la sorte d'avertir le maximum de monde, mais barrer superbe ne me paraît pas excellent, peut-être faudrait-il trouver un autre terme à barrer, mais je m'avoue peu inspiré...
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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude Wistaro » 30 Avr 2018, 09:25

Beaucoup d'optimisations peuvent être réalisées.
En particulier le programme "VALLET.8xp" compte 76 lignes, alors qu'il est realisable en 2/3 lignes de code
Code: Tout sélectionner
inString(str0, sub(str5,X,1->Y

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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude Adriweb » 30 Avr 2018, 11:37

critor a écrit:I'll gladly stop when the problem is fixed.

It isn't for now. OS 5.3.1 is still the only CE OS served on ti.com.

Until then, every of my front page posts about the CE is going to include such kind of links.
And if it's never fixed, then it means forever.

I also agree that this strikethrough everytime is just uselessly annoying. There have been (several) news about the issues, it's enough.

The situation will/may change when/if TI makes the things better (hopefully), which should then be announced as well, but in the meantime, doing this doesn't do anything but adding an annoyance to visitors reading articles. And the more they are annoyed, the less they will come/read. In other words, it's beneficial to nobody - TI won't change it faster.
I understand that you don't want to say "superbe" anymore until stuff gets better, so then no need to strike it, just don't write it at all, it's as simple as that.

I hope for students' sake that TI finds a way to make PTT-enabling faster because that's the real issue (affecting students in an exam) that should be put forward, not the other one (nobody really cares about the Asm8xCEPrgm token on-calc, and there are tricks to get it anyway...)

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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude Adriweb » 30 Avr 2018, 11:38

Wistaro a écrit:Beaucoup d'optimisations peuvent être réalisées.

C'est ce que j'avais vu (tres rapidement) aussi...
Enfin bon, apres, je doute qu'il y aura un grand nombre d'utilisateur d'un programme de numerologie... :D

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Re: Numérologie sur ta TI-83 Premium CE

Message non lude critor » 30 Avr 2018, 11:44

Adriweb a écrit:
critor a écrit:I'll gladly stop when the problem is fixed.

It isn't for now. OS 5.3.1 is still the only CE OS served on ti.com.

Until then, every of my front page posts about the CE is going to include such kind of links.
And if it's never fixed, then it means forever.

I also agree that this strikethrough everytime is just uselessly annoying. There have been (several) news about the issues, it's enough.

Then, feel free to not include this strikethrough in your own CE news.

But I'll go on including it in mine.

New visitors have to be informed.

If it's a problem for new acquisitions for back to school 2018, then TI just has to fix things asap. It's been 7 weeks now... :mj:
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