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Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

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Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

Unread postby nyancat » 13 Oct 2020, 09:35

Use an FPGA to link your computer with your TI calculator. Faster than TI cables, MIT license.

It is written in verilog and does not use vendor libraries, therefore it should work on pretty much any dev board that can do 3.3v. I've developed this with an iCEstick and a TinyFPGA BX using the yosys+nextpnr stack.

It's been tested on ti89 and v200 as they're the ones I have. It seems no less reliable than the grey and silver cables I have, and dramatically faster.


Please give it a try if you're able.
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Re: Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

Unread postby Wistaro » 13 Oct 2020, 11:16

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

I'm wondering if it would be possible to do the same for the TI-8X serie, that uses the TI-GraphLink.
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Re: Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

Unread postby nyancat » 13 Oct 2020, 12:08

Wistaro wrote:Very interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to do the same for the TI-8X serie, that uses the TI-GraphLink.

It should. While I don't own one (yet), they likely maintain the bus with 3.3v pullups too. I'd suggest to check with a multimeter before you plug anything, as 5v would fry your average FPGA 3.3v i/o pin.

If you're in a position where you can try this (that is, if you've got a FPGA devboard and understand it), it'd be very nice if you could. If anything, I'm quite curious about what transfer speeds these calculators would achieve with this.

I suspect that, at worst, you'd have to lower the dbus clock, which is a parameter in the Makefile, to something more reasonable.
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Re: Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 07 Nov 2020, 10:04

I missed this board's instance of that topic :)

TI-Z80 calculators do indeed use 5V on the legacy I/O port, and TI-68k calculators using 3.3V tolerate (and interoperate with) 5V calculators.
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Re: Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)

Unread postby lychniscuddly » 14 Jun 2024, 04:49

It would be great if you could give this a go if you're in a position to do so (that is, if you have an FPGA devboard and understand it). I'm really quite interested to see what transfer speeds these calculators might accomplish with this.
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