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Le tour Lexibook firmware

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Le tour Lexibook firmware

Message non lude BrainPortable » 14 Juil 2015, 11:50

Hello,I am Brainportable,and my name used to be name:=rand().
A few days ago,we unzipped the Lexibook Pocket graph's firmware and found something.
In \system\app,we can found that there is a phone.apk in it .However,Due to the calculator doesn't have a SIM socket and the UI may forbid the access to it,so it doesn't make sense.(but why Lexibook company put it there? :quest: )besides,we extracted some of the apks and installed them to a Chinese-language cellphone.To our surprise,the Lexibook safe browser and Lexibook market's UI are displayed in Chinese.
In system\media,we found its boot animation and a advertisement.Due to this ad,we can know that this calculator can work as a game console like Nintendo Wii with a special device called Lexibook connect.And we found ringtones in \system\media\audio\ringtones,and they are the same as Google Nexus' ringtones.However,they don't make sense.And in system\media\rkfactory,we can found its wallpaper.
In \system\lib\hw,we can found many files about RK2928.So.we can know that this Calculator's CPU is Rockchip RK2928 made by Rockchip company in China.
Fichiers joints
Default wallpaper
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 13 Juin 2015, 11:49
Genre: Homme
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Re: Le tour Lexibook firmware

Message non lude critor » 14 Juil 2015, 12:04

Very interesting - thank you very much for telling. :)

Would you mind sharing the Lexibook Power Academy Graph firmware ?

We've gathered lots of Lexibook *Graph firmwares, but only for the inferior Lexibook Pocket Graph :

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Re: Le tour Lexibook firmware

Message non lude BrainPortable » 14 Juil 2015, 12:12

critor a écrit:Very interesting - thank you very much for telling. :)

Would you mind sharing the Lexibook Power Academy Graph firmware ?

We've gathered lots of Lexibook *Graph firmwares, but only for the inferior Lexibook Pocket Graph :
https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_lis ... +lexigraph


Sorry,I got no Lexibook Power Academy Graph now,and it is hard to buy in China.
Portable brain X:/ unmounted
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 9.4%
Messages: 55
Images: 6
Inscription: 13 Juin 2015, 11:49
Genre: Homme
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