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is programming knowledge required for this calculator?

Programmation et implémentation d'algorithmes.

is programming knowledge required for this calculator?

Message non lude firedwheelman » 27 Aoû 2018, 20:26

I bought this calculator because I thought it would help me with math but nothing makes sense. everything is confusing outside of doing basic math problems. It's embarrassing but I don't even understand how to properly use CAS mode nonetheless do advanced math on this thing. I can only sometimes get differentials to solve properly and maybe integration if I'm lucky and the problem is simple. I have a whole list of topics I am trying to use this calculator for but I feel so dumb trying to figure it out.

Did I miss something? There seems to be no youtube tutorials, online guides, or even applications to download yet it seems everyone but me on here can do cool stuff with their calculators. Do I need to understand computer language in order to use this calculator properly? or maybe someone can point me in the right direction to a good guide that explains everything like i'm stupid?
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Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
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Messages: 8
Inscription: 21 Jan 2018, 22:06
Genre: Non spécifié
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Re: is programming knowledge required for this calculator?

Message non lude critor » 27 Aoû 2018, 20:51

The HP Prime is very easy to use.

For CAS, press
Then main Math+CAS functions can be accessed with the toolbox key :

For exemple, let's try to differentiate. Validating this does input diff(...) :

You don't know what to specify for the missing parameters ? Just ask for help by pressing
You'll be given an explanation and some examples :

At that time, you can even input modify/reuse the examples by touching
. :)
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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YouTube: critor3000
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Re: is programming knowledge required for this calculator?

Message non lude firedwheelman » 28 Aoû 2018, 17:31

critor a écrit:The HP Prime is very easy to use.

For CAS, press
Then main Math+CAS functions can be accessed with the toolbox key :

For exemple, let's try to differentiate. Validating this does input diff(...) :

You don't know what to specify for the missing parameters ? Just ask for help by pressing
You'll be given an explanation and some examples :

At that time, you can even input modify/reuse the examples by touching
. :)

Thank you for your reply. will this also work for non-ordinary differentials like higher order differential equations? and if I am trying to do integration does it matter if it is definite or indefinite integration?
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Prochain niv.: 82.1%
Messages: 8
Inscription: 21 Jan 2018, 22:06
Genre: Non spécifié
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