
Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlante !

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Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlante !

Unread postby Adriweb » 01 Sep 2015, 17:55

En association avec Orbit Research et l'APH (American Printing House for the Blind), Texas Instruments sort aujourd'hui, 1er Septembre 2015, la "Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking Scientific Calculator", décrite comme la toute première calculatrice scientifique multi-ligne dans son genre :#top#:
En effet, ce modèle facilite grandement la vie aux personnes aveugles ou malvoyantes, en leur permettant d'accéder à ces technologies de manière auditive (lecture orale de ce qui est marqué à l'écran) :)
Together with Orbit Research and the APH (American Printing House for the Blind), Texas Instruments released today, September 1st 2015, the "Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking scientific Calculator ", described as "the world's first fully accessible multi-line scientific calculator" :#top#:
Indeed, this model makes life much easier for the visually impaired, allowing them to enjoy these technologies thanks to an oral feedback reading what's on the screen :)

Si "Orion" ou "Orbit Research" vous dit déjà quelque chose, c'est car c'est aussi eux qui (toujours avec TI) ont fait la TI-36X parlante, ainsi que Orion TI-84 Plus talking calculator, première calculatrice graphique parlante ;) Nous avions pu apercevoir cette dernière pour la première fois lors de la conférence T3 2013, puis TI nous a gracieusement fait parvenir un échantillon, que nous avons donc pu vous faire découvrir en détail par la suite en détail ;)
If "Orion" or "Orbit Research" already rings a bell, it may be because they are the ones who (still with TI) made the TI-36X talking calculator and the Orion TI-84 Plus, the first talking graphing calculator ;) We've had the chance to see the latter for the first time at the T3 conference in 2013 and since then TI has graciously sent us a sample, which we reviewed so you could discover it in detail ;)

Bref, revenons donc sur cette 30XS. On retrouve ses fonctionnalités habituelles :
  • Écran à quatre lignes
  • Statistiques à une et deux variables
  • Fonction MathPrint™
  • Ecriture Scientifique
  • Tableau de valeurs x/y
  • Conversion de fractions/décimaux
  • Simplification progressive des fractions
  • Modification, coupe et collage d’entrée
  • Alimentation par énergie solaire et par piles
Anyway, back to the 30XS. It still comes with its usual features:
  • Four-line display
  • One- and two-variable statistics
  • MathPrint™ feature
  • Scientific notation output
  • Explore (x,y) table of values
  • Fraction/decimal conversion
  • Step-by-step fraction simplification
  • Edit, cut and paste entries
  • Solar and battery powered

La calculatrice est dotée d'une modification au dos/haut par rapport à une TI-30XS traditionnelle: l'ensemble relatif à la synthèse vocale etc.
The calculator is modified on its back/top compared to a standard 30XS, it's the whole "talking module" itself embedded there

Tout ceci permet à l'utilisateur d'avoir :
  • Assistance vocal complet à tous les menus, expressions mathématiques, textes et symboles affichés sur l'écran
  • Discours (enregistrement) clair et de haute qualité
  • Chaque touche est annoncée lorsqu'elle est pressée
  • Examen complet de l'écran
  • Mode unique d'apprentissage pour la reconnaissance instantanée de touches sans interrompre les opérations
All this enables the user to have:
  • Full speech access to all menus, mathematical expressions, text, and symbols displayed on the screen
  • Clear, high-quality recorded speech
  • Each key is announced when pressed
  • Comprehensive screen review
  • Unique Learn mode for instantaneous key identification without interrupting operations

Achat : La calculatrice est vendue sur le site de l'APH pour $399, et vient avec écouteurs, chargeur, manuel numérique et imprimé (dont en braille), et cable USB. :
Buying it: The calculator is sold on the APH's website for $399, and comes with USB wall plug, earphones, USB flash drive with documentation, quick-Start Guide in print and braille :

(via aph.org)

Texte complet de la Press Release (en Anglais) :
Full Press Release text:

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DALLAS, Sept. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN), Orbit Research and the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) today unveiled the Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking Scientific Calculator, the world's first fully accessible multi-line scientific calculator, created for students who are visually impaired, and available for the upcoming school year. Based on the popular TI-30XS Multiview™ scientific calculator from Texas Instruments, the Orion TI-30XS represents a breakthrough in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education for students with vision impairment.

Today, millions of scientific calculators are used in classrooms around the world and are an integral part of the high school math and science curriculum. However, the popularity and usefulness of scientific calculators has posed a challenge for students who are visually impaired since advanced models used in classrooms have not been accessible, until now. With the introduction of the Orion TI-30XS MultiView, visually impaired students now have access to the same technology as their peers as they tackle demanding subjects such as algebra, statistics and chemistry.

"For TI, this is about tearing down barriers for students with disabilities and empowering them to overcome challenges and do great things," said Scott Sedberry, director of North American Business Development for Texas Instruments Education Technology. "The identical functionality of the accessible TI-30XS MultiView enables students with vision impairment to use the same calculator as their classmates, participate in the same curriculum and take advantage of the vast knowledge base and instructional materials that are already available for this technology."

Educators who tested the calculator with their visually impaired students are eager to put it to use in the classroom. Susan Osterhaus, Statewide Mathematics Consultant at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and APH consultant, said, "This is going to be an awesome addition to our math toolbox and I am confident it will help our students learn and understand difficult concepts."

The advanced, four-line scientific calculator, with higher-level math and science functionality, is ideal for middle school through college students. A clear, high-quality, recorded voice announces each key and the answer on the display, providing a choice of speech modes for quiet or verbose operation. Students will love the thin, lightweight design, and parents and teachers will love the familiar functionality that makes it easy to help with classwork and homework.

"When students have the right tools to access their curricula, we all benefit," said Dr. Tuck Tinsley III, president of APH. "This new technology empowers students who are blind and have low vision to reach their full potentials and become the next generation of STEM scholars."

The Orion TI-30XS Talking Scientific Calculator may be used on high-stakes exams as an approved accommodation for students who are visually impaired if it is specified in the student's Individual Education Program (IEP). Check with your school's assessment coordinator or guidance counselor to determine the guidelines for specific tests.

"The development of the Orion TI-30XS MultiView represents Orbit Research's continuing commitment to level the playing field for visually impaired and dyslexic students," said Dr. Gina Spagnoli, Orbit Research's founder. "Building upon our long-term partnership with Texas Instruments, APH's vast experience in the development of educational products, and our expertise in adapting mainstream calculators for accessibility, this product is the result of our collaborative efforts to develop game-changing technology."

The calculator is available for purchase for the upcoming school year here.

About Texas Instruments:
Education Technology, a business of Texas Instruments, provides a wide range of tools connecting the classroom experience with real-world applications, helping students and teachers to explore mathematics and science interactively. TI's products and services are tested vigorously against recognized third-party research, which shows that the effective use of graphing calculators improves the mathematical skills of students and their attitudes toward mathematics. For more information, visit http://www.education.ti.com.
Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company that develops analog ICs and embedded processors. By employing the world's brightest minds, TI creates innovations that shape the future of technology. TI is helping more than 100,000 customers transform the future, today. Learn more at http://www.ti.com.

About the American Printing House for the Blind
APH, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the world's largest company devoted solely to researching, developing, and manufacturing products for people who are blind or visually impaired. Founded in 1858, it is the oldest organization of its kind in the United States. Under the 1879 federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind, APH is the official supplier of educational materials for students who are visually impaired in the U.S. and outlying areas who are working at less than college level.
APH produces textbooks and magazines in braille, large print, recorded, and digital formats. APH also designs and manufactures hundreds of educational, recreational, and daily living products. For more information, visit http://www.aph.org.

About Orbit Research
Orbit Research develops and manufactures innovative and affordable products that enable an independent lifestyle for people who are blind or visually impaired. Founded with the mission to fulfill the urgent need for affordable assistive technology products, the company has introduced breakthrough products like the Orion family of Talking Scientific and Graphing Calculators and the iBill Talking Banknote Identifier that define the state-of-the-art in features, functionality, convenience and cost. For more information, visit http://www.orbitresearch.com.

Source : Press Release PRNewsWire via @TICalculators

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Re: Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlan

Unread postby noelnadal » 01 Sep 2015, 17:56

C'est une calculatrice pour malvoyants, à la base ? Désolé, j'ai la flemme de lire l'article en anglais...
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Re: Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlan

Unread postby Hayleia » 01 Sep 2015, 17:58

Oui. Et inutile de le lire en entier (surtout quand on connaît Orion et qu'on sait que c'est pour les malvoyants :P), c'est écrit à la toute fin du premier paragraphe donc même en le lisant en diagonale tu lis les derniers mots ;)
(Et pour ceux qui lisent en entier, c'est aussi écrit avant la fin du premier paragraphe, mais mdr g pa lu non plu)

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Re: Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlan

Unread postby Adriweb » 01 Sep 2015, 18:01

(J'ai légèrement clarifié au début)

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Re: Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlan

Unread postby florian66 » 02 Sep 2015, 13:14

Désolé mais je ne vois pas où se situe la cellule photovoltaïque sur la machine :o.
Peut-être est-elle intégrée à l'écran ??
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Re: Avec Orbit Research, TI sort la TI-30XS MultiView parlan

Unread postby critor » 02 Sep 2015, 13:17

A ce que je vois, elle a été supprimée pour être remplacée par 3 boutons de contrôle du module vocal intégré.
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