
Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

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Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 16 Avr 2017, 14:51

1. Does anyone here have a fx-991EX or fx-570EX and can try some hacks for me?
I know this forum is French, but it must be fx-991EX or fx-570EX otherwise it will not work.

2. Can I post bugs of those calculators here safely? (that Casio won't fix the bugs later)
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude critor » 16 Avr 2017, 15:01

Sorry, I don't have the 570/991 versions

Any interesting/useful discoveries ? :)

I have no idea if Casio is really checking forums to find bugs to fix.
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 16 Avr 2017, 15:13

So can anyone with 991EX / 570EX try this for me:


(I don't know any Chinese, but anyway I have uploaded it there, and I don't want to upload again. Use translator if you need to)

Casio does fix the bugs if it is well-known enough. ES PLUS bugs are not yet fixed, but ES and MS (-specific) bugs are fixed (they stop producing the series)

So what is the most advanced and popular model, and have an downloadable emulator of Classwiz calculator in French?
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude critor » 16 Avr 2017, 15:19

user202729 a écrit:So what is the most advanced and popular model, and have an downloadable emulator of Classwiz calculator in French?

It's named quite differently, but it's the fx-92 Spéciale Collège.

Here is the matching emulation software :
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 17 Avr 2017, 16:21

So, you said that it is advanced, and yet it does not have: (important for hacking)

Sigma (sum), Integrate, d/dx function (for linear overflow)
Constant, conversion (enter some impossible bytes)

And even mixed fraction. (a+b/c)

- It seems that you have already said that there is not enough functions on the calculator on some topics in this forum -

At least this have QR and auto add bracket. <-- for hacking purposes only

It is possible to extract bytes from variables, but emulators cannot do that, for some unknown reasons. On the emulator the cursor cannot go past position 204.

I can do just font table of prefix 0xF3. Still useless.
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude critor » 17 Avr 2017, 16:26

Sorry, Casio is only advertising 1 scientific calculator in France, the fx-92.
And I know it's not very advanced, although it's already much better than an fx-82/83/85/86.
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 18 Avr 2017, 07:49

But 82 have mixed fractions, right? This one doesn't. Use ->Simp can enter mixed fraction, anyway.
I realized STO functions may be useful, so I will post something for you to test on the real calculator.
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 20 Avr 2017, 12:50

1. "Get a box"

(follow critor's post)

2. Character converter

The purpose of character converter and how to use them is discuss well on


I just say the method of getting one particular character converter (FDFB - big endian) on fx 92 speciale college.

Note that the words in bracket (for example Ran#) is the actual key name in case
is used.

1. Get a box

On the emulator |⎕m▶dyn·cm@ is displayed.
Dernière édition par user202729 le 25 Juin 2018, 13:16, édité 3 fois.
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude critor » 24 Juin 2018, 00:42

Sorry for the delay, I just managed to do it, at last ! :bj:
The fx-92(+) Spéciale Collège are behaving differently, but you can still get the "empty box" character with a slightly modified input :
Also, the quite different keypad on the french Classwiz doesn't help when reading non-french topics about this.

Wouldn't it be easier for all Classwiz owners on those topics to put a capture of the targeted input like I did ?

What's next now ? ;)
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Re: Casio scientific calculator bugs / hack

Message non lude user202729 » 25 Juin 2018, 05:30

Can you try this: (I've already tested this on the emulator but it may give different result on real calculator. Just to be sure)


1. Get a box. Screen should show |⎕ (where | is the cursor)
2. Press

Result on emulator: Screen should show ⎕|


1. Get a box.
2. Press

3. Press

Result on emulator: Screen shows ⎕|212.
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