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Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

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Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

Unread postby BrainPortable » 18 Aug 2017, 16:14

It seems that there is some method to force enable the math input on these calculator models, (since there is no normal ways to enable this feature) without flashing the ROM, but I don't know whether it works on all the GII calculators:

1.Turn off the calculator.
2.hold OPTN,EXE,ON keys
3.It will show "Diagnostic Mode".At this time, press 5,9,6,3 key one by one.(Not pressing them simutaniously).Then it will enter a "Test mode".
4.Select "Font/Lang Test " by pressing 2.
5.select "setup" by pressing 4, then it will enter a setup which is similar to the HP-50G 's "flag" setup menu.Find "Input/Output" and set it to "Math".

However,I haven't tested it out yet...
test menu and the final result
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Re: Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

Unread postby critor » 19 Aug 2017, 08:30

Works on Graph 25+E (= fx-7400GII SH4) :D
Thanks, that's great ! :bj:

You can't access the diags menu in exam mode, but if the option is changed before enabling the exam mode it'll become reboot-persistent ! :)

Note that :
  • it won't enable non-fractional results support
  • it won't enable Math input outside of the RUN application
  • it'll show the Matrix editor menu in the RUN application, but pressing it won't trigger anything
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Re: Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

Unread postby critor » 19 Aug 2017, 10:41

Made a (french) tutorial :

And newsed about it, by correctly crediting you for your discovery :
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Re: Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

Unread postby BrainPortable » 19 Aug 2017, 12:51

Thanks, Critor.

It seems that this Test Mode can do quite a lot of things, such as checking all the characters displayable, or set the current time of the calculator.

By the way, There is an option called "Kidou Protect", in which "Kidou" means "Demon" in Japanese... Interesting.

And did you noticed that there is an option called "Syntax Help" in the setup menu that you use it to enable the Math input? That is a function only avaliable on fx-9860G Slim. However, though you can enable it in the menu, you cannot use it, for that function is triggered by the key called "HELP" but it's not on all the CASIO graphic calculators except the fx-9860G Slim!
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Re: Enable Math input on fx-7400GII/9750GII?

Unread postby foroplus » 03 Nov 2019, 18:50

Hi. I succeded in changing the input data way but cannot perform any integral calculation. Although you can enter an integral formula in natural text-book display.
The calculator (a GRAPH 25+ Pro) always says Ma ERROR, no matter what the formula you input.

Anyone with the same problem? Is a normal limitation on this calc?
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