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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 08 Fév 2017, 00:23

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 05 Jan 2021, 20:00, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 08 Fév 2017, 06:19

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 05 Jan 2021, 20:00, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude critor » 10 Fév 2017, 23:55

By the way, color calculators with only 32MB SDRAM (CX EVT, CM) can only run OS versions up to 3.9.1.
Starting with 4.0.0, it's crashing.
And even with 3.6/3.9.1 OSes, once the OS is running you barely have any RAM left. Most Ndless programs don't work because of this, even small Ndless programs.

And nBoot+ControlX are now working on CM calculators. :)
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude critor » 11 Fév 2017, 00:13

I've started developing ControlX 4.4.2, with a major rework of the Boot2 4.0.3 payload injector.

The payload size is limited (between 900B and 940B).
But all used patches need to fit in this payload.

Some patches are mandatory (OSes < 4.0.1 won't work without them).
Other patches are just candies (Ndless auto-install for example).

Because of the increased code size, ControlX 4.4.1 payload was including less OS patches :
- CX 3.1
- CX CAS 3.1
- CX 3.6
- CX CAS 3.6
- CX 4.4
- CX CAS 4.4

But still, wether you had a CX or a CX CAS, at the Boot2 level you had half of the injected payload patches which were totally useless. :mj:

With ControlX 4.4.2, there are now 2 different payloads :
- one with patches for CX CAS 3.1, 3.6, 4.0.3, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 :bj:
- one with patches for CX 3.1, 3.6, 4.0.3, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 :bj:

The ControlX binary includes both payloads and checks your hardware setup (Manuf ID), to determine which payload to inject in Boot2 4.0.3.

Which means that there should now be enough place to include parrotgeek1's patches.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 11 Fév 2017, 06:23

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 05 Jan 2021, 20:00, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 11 Fév 2017, 09:21

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 07 Déc 2020, 20:51, édité 2 fois.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 12 Fév 2017, 08:02

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 07 Déc 2020, 20:51, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude critor » 12 Fév 2017, 11:32

So huge... much more that what I was expecting.

What are those ?
Patches for having 4.4 CAS features on non-CAS ?

If so, as already said, I am not going to include those in ControlX.
The main ControlX purpose is to replace Nlaunchy, thus to be able to boot as many OSes as possible in as many situations as possible, by applying as few patches as possible.

To fit all this in ControlX (and I'm not even sure it's going to fit in the payload limited size), I'd clearly have to remove other useful OS/features support.
I have no interest in a ControlX version which would only be able to boot OS 4.4 (assuming it's possible), just for the CAS features on non-CAS.

But you may build your own ControlX fork if you want to, or fork Nlaunchy in which the payload size limit is higher.
You can also use an Ndless startup program, or include them in your OSlauncher fork - there is no payload size limit here. :)
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 13 Fév 2017, 03:05

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 07 Jan 2021, 17:57, édité 4 fois.
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Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
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Re: Patching CAS to run on Non-CAS

Message non lude critor » 14 Fév 2017, 11:25

parrotgeek1 a écrit:I will fork ControlX. But didn't you say something about how you figured out how to use a bigger payload in boot2? For controlX 4.4.2

No, the payload cannot be bigger.
In my private build, I now have 2 different payloads with similar sizes, one with the CAS OS patches, and one with the non-CAS OS patches.
(in the public build, there is a single payload with both CAS and non-CAS OS patches)

So yes, with the 2 payloads you can fit more patches, but not that many.
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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