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cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

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cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 03:56

Hi. Apologies if I am in the wrong forum section. My french is poor.

I have a TI nspire CX that has had ndless and controlx added to it. It was working fine until it reboot (possibly because I was connecting to it via TILP, possibly a coincidence).

This was the first time it reboot after finishing the last step on https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=18920#oscx

O9) If you sent a 3.9+ version non targeting your model, add the correct calculation patcher to the /ndless/startup/ folder.
Only available for OSes 4.4 and 4.5 so far :

I had loaded a CAS rom with the 4.4 patcher.

Using TILP, I am still able to see what appears to be a fully intact file system (see third attachment)

However, My calculator is stuck on a screen that I have not seen any reference to (see second attachment)

pressing :nsmo: :nses: :nsme: and reset on this screen simply reloads this screen.

my calculator info, pulled from TILP, is the first attachment.

I am unable to pull anything off of the calculator. (this may be an unrelated issue with libusb timeouts on OS X, but it means i cannot get more info than this)

thank you for taking a look
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Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 7.55.01 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 7.45.06 PM.png
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude critor » 02 Déc 2019, 12:37


It's very strange.

If :nses: :nsme: :nsmo: doesn't trigger anything different, then it's as if ControlX or nBoot hasn't been installed properly or has been removed...

Are you still able to install a normal OS ?

And what's the calculator datestamp by the way ?
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 19:03

Hi, thanks for the response.
I just tried loading and 4.4.0532 via TILP. I tried 10 or so times, mostly it immediately fails with error

Msg: hand-held returned an error (not caught).
Cause: hand-held returned an uncaught error. Please report log

The two times it fully transferred over usb, there was an error something like "unsupported/corrupt file" :(

My calculator is an older model, with the two circuit boards and the original screen orientation. By datestamp do you mean the manufacturer number on the back? Thats 2509013886 P-0615V
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude critor » 02 Déc 2019, 19:06


Strange that it immediately fails.

If you have access to a Windows/Mac computer, the TI-Nspire Computer Link software might behave better, and in the worst case return a more useful error message.
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 19:15

To add to that, I know I followed the instructions well for nboot and Controlx, with the two caveats:

1) I did not really understand:

O4) If it worked, store the options you've used as default boot options, by holding :nsct: while pressing their number.

pressing ctrl and 8 seemed to add '8' to a list or array in square brackets, but also flipped the text at the bottom of the window from cas back to num or visa versa each time. So I may have added '88' accidentally?

2) in the following steps:
F2) On the calculator, open the controlx.img file - this should automatically open it in BtMg.

F3) Type :ns3: to select the Diags partition.

F4) Type :ns2: to flash the ControlX image.

F5) Type :nsen: to confirm the default insertion as the 1st image in the Diags partition
(in all cases it must be the 1st image to be bootable, and you shouldn't overwrite the Diags image)

F6) Type :ns0: to go back to the main menu.

F7) Type :ns5: to select the BootD partition.

I pressed 0 twice, which quit BtMg, so I redid these steps
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 19:21

I would try to use TI Connect Student Software or TI Computer Link, but it refuses to acknowledge the existence of my TI-nspire CX after i plugged a (newer) TI-nspire CX CAS into my computer just once. (perhaps this is some sort of anti-sharing/DRM from TI? if so it upsets me, as it is completely undocumented and seemingly irreversible)

(I am on Mac High Sierra btw)
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Niveau 5: MO (Membre Overclocké)
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Inscription: 02 Déc 2019, 03:33
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude critor » 02 Déc 2019, 19:24

Are you using the same computer with the same OS ?

Because if Windows did detect and install your TI-Nspire device with the TiLP-compatible libusb driver, then it won't work with the TI-Nspire softwares.
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 19:35

No, I compiled TILP (and dependencies including libusb) after discovering that TI-Connect (this is on mac) will only recognize the newer calculator.
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude jacobianbacon » 02 Déc 2019, 19:47

TI Connect CX student edition trial version on another computer worked! I have installed CX (the version you uploaded and linked on the ndless setup instructions)

What should I do now? I don"t want to touch anything without advice

thanks again
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Niveau 5: MO (Membre Overclocké)
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Re: cannot boot, Issue with Controlx

Message non lude critor » 02 Déc 2019, 19:50

Ah, great. :)

So we need Ndless now to check the boot partitions content.
Try to update to version 4.4.0 or 4.5.0 (avoid more recent 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 versions).
Then install Ndless as usual.

And try to share us a picture of the BtMg home screen.

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