
ICE Compiler

Assembleur, Axe, C/C++, ICE...

Re: ICE - an interpreter/compiler of CE-BASIC

Unread postby PT_ » 27 Jun 2016, 20:29

Ti64CLi++ wrote:Also, ICE 1.1 cann't download?

That is what I said. I'm currently busy with that version. You can only download my real first version (outside of bugfixing)
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Re: ICE - an interpreter/compiler of CE-BASIC

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 27 Jun 2016, 20:36

Sorry for my english. :?
I modified my post
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Re: ICE - an interpreter/compiler of CE-BASIC

Unread postby PT_ » 02 Jul 2016, 14:54

Oki, some *big* updates from me:
- located the program data at UserMem, no need to calculate offsets. it jumps to the actual data of ICE with this routine:
Code: Select all
   ld hl, ICEName
   call _Mov9ToOP1
   call _ChkFindSym
   ld hl, ICEStart-start+4                           ; skip this pc routine + 4 bytes size+header
   add hl, de
   jp (hl)
Now I can mess up UserMem easily
- the variables are now located at $E30800, which has 2 wait states, instead of 3, and thus you can save 1cc each time you get a variable :)
- implemented IS>( and DS<( for respecitively incrementing and decrementing variables :D
- another method for jumping to a function routine. Not a bunch of "cp XX \ jr nz, +_" but a jump table. Much easier for adding functions.
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 04 Jul 2016, 21:03

Implemented Lbl/Goto. Works fine, despite some struggles:



(Fixed it already)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Epharius » 05 Jul 2016, 10:34

Yea, it seems you installed PHASM before running ICE :troll:
Actually, I had the same bug when I was trying to add a feature :p
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 05 Jul 2016, 21:32

Epharius wrote:Yea, it seems you installed PHASM before running ICE :troll:
Actually, I had the same bug when I was trying to add a feature :p

Nope :troll:

ICE v1.1 is ready! Input, Lbl/Goto and Disp <string> now works too!
Here's an example program:

Code: Select all
Repeat A=B
   Input B
   If B>A
   Disp "TOOLOW"
   Disp "TOOHIGH"
   While C
      Pause 5
Asm(CD8C0D02     // call _GetKey
Disp A

Pretty good, right? Size = 104 vs 211 bytes. WOW :D :D :D

I can't say it's bugless (notice the wrong value of A at the end), but yeah, I'm super happy with this. I hope to upload it very soon! :)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 06 Jul 2016, 06:59

Good work, ICE v1.1 is a major usability improvement over what was labeled v1.0 :)

You should upload to ticalc.org as well, so that it can be featured there.
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 06 Jul 2016, 10:05

What is the range of the function rand? (0 to 65535?)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 06 Jul 2016, 11:43

Ti64CLi++ wrote:What is the range of the function rand? (0 to 65535?)

All the functions or numbers are yet 8 bit numbers and thus in the range 0-255. Will be changed in v1.2 :)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 06 Jul 2016, 13:51

Ok, thanks :)
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