Voici les sites partenaires à TI-Planet - nous vous encourageons à aller les visiter !
Vous possédez un site et êtes intéressé à devenir notre partenaire ? Faites-nous le savoir à info[at]tiplanet.org !
UPECS & TI-Planet :
- MyCalcs (en)
Graphing calculator collections
- MATH & ÇA (fr)
The site with everything you need to dedra-math-ize, from middle school to higher education !
- Inspired-Lua (fr+en)
Everything about TI-Nspire Lua programming : tutorials, tips&tricks, documentation (wiki)...
- ISEN Toulon : Prépa + école d'ingénieurs (fr+en)
TI-Planet :
- Planete-Casio (fr)
The most active French Casio community. Featuring news, downloads, forum.
- CodeWalrus (fr+en)
Mostly-english-speaking community about calculator and computer programming etc.
- CnCalc (cn)
Most active Chinese calculators community. Featuring news about several brands, especially TI and Casio, as well as software and hardware projects!
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