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HD Picture Viewer v1.0.1

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 Uploaded files(15767)
 TI-83 Premium CE / 84+CE / 82APy




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Auteur Author: TheLastMillennial
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 335.95 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 04/09/2019 - 22:39:05
Mis à jour Updated: 16/09/2019 - 17:47:25
Uploadeur Uploader: thelastmillennial (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 690
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a2309361
warning ATTENTION ! Si votre TI-83 Premium CE ou TI-84 Plus CE (Edition Python ou non), a l'OS 5.5 ou plus, vous ne pouvez plus lancer des programmes/jeux ASM directement ; il vous faudra d'abord lancer le jailbreak arTIfiCE. WARNING ! If your TI-83 Premium CE or TI-84 Plus CE (Python Edition or not) has OS 5.5 or later, you will no longer be able to launch ASM programs/games ; you will first need to run the arTIfiCE jailbreak.


Take control of the entire LCD to display high quality images! No more low resolution graph-screen pictures, now you can get high definition pictures on your calculator in only a few steps! A converter is included along with a comprehensive video tutorial. Check out the screenshot for the comparison image!

New version 2.0: https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=3838473

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
5.08 Ko KB Compiled Displayers/HDPICV release
38.09 Ko KB Example Images/Developer/ExampleL.8xv
604 octets bytes Example Images/Developer/ExampleP.8xv
38.09 Ko KB Example Images/Developer/ExampleR.8xv
38.09 Ko KB Example Images/Releases/ExampleL.8xv
604 octets bytes Example Images/Releases/ExampleP.8xv
38.09 Ko KB Example Images/Releases/ExampleR.8xv
20.00 Ko KB HDpicConverter/.vs/HD Picture Converter CE v3.0.00/v14/.suo
1.48 Ko KB HDpicConverter/convpng.ini
141.50 Ko KB HDpicConverter/HD Picture Converter CE.exe
140.07 Ko KB HDpicConverter/linux_convpng
14.48 Ko KB HDpicConverter/Source.txt
218.26 Ko KB HDpicConverter/windows_convpng.exe
2.84 Ko KB ReadMe.md

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