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Matrix stored doesn't update the constants

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Matrix stored doesn't update the constants

Unread postby doreori » 21 Jan 2025, 13:35

Hi, so basically I'm using matrix for robotics. I've created a matrix with constants (r,s,t,u) in the matrix stored in the constant q. It works, but when I change the value of constants (ex : 3->r) when I call the matrix q it doesn't update r IN the matrix. I have to call the whole matrix again (not just q)

Is there an alternative to this problem or I need to call the matrix each time ?

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Re: Matrix stored doesn't update the constants

Unread postby Adriweb » 21 Jan 2025, 18:03

You could use a Notes app in your document, with mathboxes (Ctrl-M) for variable setting and equation writing (here the matrix). If you change variables at the top it would then update the result of each dependent thing afterwards.

See this video:

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Re: Matrix stored doesn't update the constants

Unread postby doreori » 21 Jan 2025, 19:45

Merci pour ta réponse ! j'ai essayé de faire ce qu'il dit dans la vidéo mais rien y fait j'ai fait quelque chose de faux ?

θ=0 ▸ θ=0
alpha=0 ▸ alpha=0
a=0 ▸ a=0
d=d1 ▸ d=d1
matrice=[[cos(θ),−sin(θ),0,a][sin(θ)*cos(alpha),cos(θ)*cos(alpha),−sin(alpha),−sin(alpha)*d][sin(θ)*sin(alpha),cos(θ)*sin(alpha),cos(alpha),cos(alpha)*d][0,0,0,1]] ▸ matrice=[[cos(θ),−sin(θ),0,a][cos(alpha)*sin(θ),cos(alpha)*cos(θ),−sin(alpha),−d*sin(alpha)][sin(alpha)*sin(θ),sin(alpha)*cos(θ),cos(alpha),d*cos(alpha)][0,0,0,1]]
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Re: Matrix stored doesn't update the constants

Unread postby Adriweb » 22 Jan 2025, 09:43

I'm not sure, can you share the tns file?

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