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nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-Nspire CX (Lua)

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Re: nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-Nspire CX (Lua)

Unread postby Cmgdels » 25 Jan 2025, 01:22

While I am playing this game on my ti nspire cx ii cas,my calculator always turns off the game and tells me that the game ran out of the calculator's memory.Here's what's going on?Maybe there are some problems with the game because the calculator's memory is really big enough,64MB.Can you help me?
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Re: nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-Nspire CX (Lua)

Unread postby Cmgdels » 25 Jan 2025, 01:22

While I am playing this game on my ti nspire cx ii cas,my calculator always turns off the game and tells me that the game ran out of the calculator's memory.Here's what's going on?Maybe there are some problems with the game because the calculator's memory is really big enough,64MB.Can you help me?
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Re: nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-Nspire CX (Lua)

Unread postby chalex0 » 25 Jan 2025, 03:18

Cmgdels wrote:While I am playing this game on my ti nspire cx ii cas,my calculator always turns off the game and tells me that the game ran out of the calculator's memory.Here's what's going on?Maybe there are some problems with the game because the calculator's memory is really big enough,64MB.Can you help me?

Unfortunately just a consequence of making a lua game heavily dependent on images and then making the scope ambitious too.
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