
Bêta-test public mise à jour HP Prime 2.2.15008

Bêta-test public mise à jour HP Prime 2.2.15008

Unread postby critor » 13 Jul 2024, 08:26

20166Moravia te propose un bêta-test public de sa mise à jour HP Prime 2.2 de rentrée 2024.

Nous passons de la version 2.1.14730 compilée le 21 avril 2023 à la version 2.2.15008 compilée le 9 juillet 2024.

Comme tu peux le voir la version du moteur CAS ne change pas, restant en 1.5.0. Les nombreuses améliorations apportées depuis plus d'un an par Bernard Parisse ne sont pas incluses et sont réservées pour une nouvelle version bêta à venir.

Résumé officiel des changements depuis la version précédente :
  • Améliorations de la qualité et de la fiabilité dans tout le système.
  • Des parenthèses ont été ajoutées au choix de la palette de modèles mathématiques pour les fractions.
  • Les correctifs notables incluent :
    • Les expressions avec des exposants imbriqués ne sont plus réorganisées de manière incorrecte lors de l'utilisation d'Intelligent Math ou lors de la copie depuis le CAS via CAS.Ans.
    • La calculatrice ne cesse plus de répondre lorsque vous tentez de tracer une fonction avec un exposant doublement parenthèse.

Changelog officiel détaillé :
  1. Memory leaks have been addressed in the Vars and Toolbox catalog menus. [PBT134,PBT135,PBT136,PBT137,PBT138,PBT139,PBT140,PBT141]
  2. Function: The main program now starts out as a PPL program. [PBT164]
  3. AFilesB no longer crashes when attempting to read a file of more than 10000 bytes. [PBT154]
  4. PPL: Using store with a negative index to insert well past the end of a list no longer causes a crash. [PBT168]
  5. RECT_P now uses the bottom right corner as the default for the x2 and y2 parameters. [PBT175]
  6. RECT_P will no longer silently not be fulfilled for large coordinates. [PBT176]
  7. Statistics 1Var, 2Var: Delete Row with Clear or Del now deletes the entire row rather than a single cell. [PBT183]
  8. Statistics 1Var, 2Var: Delete Row with Del from a column header no longer deletes the column. [PBT186]
  9. Entering a date in shortened format in Home Settings no longer causes undesirable behaviour. [PBT193]
  10. Entering a date in shortened format in the initial configuration screen no longer causes crashes. [PBT196]
  11. Calendar: Attempting to move the cursor beyond the bounds of defined dates no longer causes a crash. [PBT199]
  12. Hexadecimal code points of Unicode code points in the Chars palette are no longer truncated. [PBT146]
  13. Home: Calling LINE or LINE_P with two or more empty lists no longer causes a crash. [PBT223]
  14. Home: Calling LINE_P with three lists no longer causes a crash. [PBT224]
  15. Home: GET now behaves consistently on inputs which are outputs of QPI. [PBT228]
  16. Deleting a variable in Memory Manager now always deletes the chosen variable rather than a different variable defined based on the chosen variable instead. [PBT213]
  17. Attempting to delete a list variable with a younger copy via Memory Manager no longer deletes the younger copy instead. [PBT230]
  18. Attempting to delete a matrix variable with a younger copy via Memory Manager no longer deletes the younger copy instead. [PBT231]
  19. Conversion of numbers to text format via STRING now follows the number format parameter over HDigits. [PBT205]
  20. The output of STRING no longer diverges from the number formatting used elsewhere when the formatting is STANDARD and the precision is something other than 11 (or -1). [PBT232]
  21. Names of built-in functions containing Greek letters, and pi, are now case sensitive with regards to their Greek letters. [PBT229]
  22. PPL: Passing empty lists as coordinates to RECT now returns Error: Invalid Input rather than causing a crash. [PBT174]
  23. PPL: Passing STRING an invalid separator argument no longer results in a garbled text output. [PBT243]
  24. Dismissing the Edit Integer window in the equation editor no longer leaks memory. [PBT244]
  25. Home: Pressing the Base key when the last value on the history stack is not an integer no longer results in # appearing in place of the Edit Integer window. [PBT238]
  26. Geometry: Deleting the last Num view entry via the Plot view no longer causes a crash. [PBT256]
  27. PPL: A bug in which using PageDown/PageUp to certain target lines causes a crash has been fixed. [PBT267]
  28. The Home/CAS command line height no longer remains short after returning from a search in the Help tree view. [PBT300]
  29. The Statistics 1Var horizontal lines in a control chart brought up on the first boot of a fresh calculator are no longer miscoloured. [PBT358]
  30. Home: Complex numbers with infinite real components now accurately report their imaginary components. [PBT402]
  31. PPL: Multiplication by i no longer differs from multiplication by 0+i. [PBT403]
  32. Function: The calculator no longer becomes unresponsive when attempting to plot a function with a doubly-parenthesized exponent. [PBT404]
  33. Home: Copying a value with nested exponents no longer rearranges the parentheses. [PBT17]

  1. Virtual Calculator and Connectivity Kit: the EULA shown to the user no longer includes garbled text. [PBT120,PBT121]
  2. Plot view equation displays now compute properly for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. [PBT34]
  3. Geometry: The equation() command now better formats plotimplicit as text. [PBT20]
  4. The calculator will no longer crash on boot if there is an app program that would bring up the Terminal. [PBT45]

Téléchargements :

Source : https://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/thread-22020.html
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Re: Bêta-test public mise à jour HP Prime 2.2.15008

Unread postby Techium » 14 Jul 2024, 02:12

My friend tried to install build 15008 with HP connectivity kit but failed, I wonder what's wrong with his HP Prime
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Re: Bêta-test public mise à jour HP Prime 2.2.15008

Unread postby dg1969 » 14 Jul 2024, 06:01

Techium wrote:My friend tried to install build 15008 with HP connectivity kit but failed, I wonder what's wrong with his HP Prime

Installé hier sans aucun problème sur une HP G2 avec le HP connectivity kit 2.1.14730 sous windows 10-64. Avez-vous bien dézippé puis placé l’ensemble des fichiers contenu dans le bon dossier ? La plus grosse difficulté consiste en effet à trouver le bon répertoire. Ici dans mon cas :

D:\Utilisateurs\user-name\Documents\HP Connectivity Kit\Micrologiciel\PrimeG2

Pas eu le temps d’explorer le comportement de la calculatrice après cette mise à jour…
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Re: Bêta-test public mise à jour HP Prime 2.2.15008

Unread postby piep62 » 22 Jul 2024, 19:22

Nouvelle version bêta, build 15048 : https://www.moravia-parts.com/hp-prime/beta-b.html
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