
Improving the Help text on HP Prime

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Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Klaas Kuperus » 03 Jul 2024, 09:23

Hello all,

We're currently working out some new improvements (new release is coming!!) and are currently also looking at improving the documentation around Prime. One of the being the integrated Help-option.

There’s been significant interest expressed amongst some of our beta testers on improving the text in the online (integrated into the calculator) help. Some of the descriptions are out of date or inconsistent as this hasn't been a priority in the last years.

To get this task done as good and fast as possible, we're looking for an extension of the beta-testing team. If you're interested in supporting us with development on Prime and this task in particular, please send your contact details to klaas.kuperus@moravia-consulting.com.. The way this would work, is we provide you with the XML files. The English XML file was posted before project transition to Moravia (https://www.hpcalc.org/details/9286) and we are keen on updating this.

Thanks for the ongoing support and let's hope for many replies. :)
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Adriweb » 03 Jul 2024, 15:47


Thanks for posting! Hopefully this parts gets done quickly and makes the upcoming release even closer :)
Is it safe to assume it's otherwise ready for back-to-school in august/september?

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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby parisse » 03 Jul 2024, 17:06

Just to mention that the link refers to XML files that are not up to date. The idea is to work on up to date files.
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Klaas Kuperus » 05 Jul 2024, 13:25

Adriweb wrote:Hello,
Is it safe to assume it's otherwise ready for back-to-school in august/september?

Absolutely! Goal is one release before summer and one right after, in time for BTS. :)
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Noury » 07 Jul 2024, 10:55

Klaas Kuperus wrote:Goal is one release before summer

Voilà qui va remettre en question toutes mes connaissances concernant les saisons.
Mais peut-être qu'aux Pays-Bas c'est différent.
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Adriweb » 07 Jul 2024, 11:01

I guess "before end of summer" :P

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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Klaas Kuperus » 23 Jul 2024, 10:06

Noury wrote:
Klaas Kuperus wrote:Goal is one release before summer

Voilà qui va remettre en question toutes mes connaissances concernant les saisons.
Mais peut-être qu'aux Pays-Bas c'est différent.

Ah, stupid. :D I meant: "before the summer holidays". :) Anyway, goal is to have the public release ready before the start of the new school year.
Product Manager HP for MORAVIA Consulting, the EMEA & AP Licensee for HP Calculators.
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Noury » 01 Sep 2024, 19:52

Klaas Kuperus wrote:Anyway, goal is to have the public release ready before the start of the new school year.

New school year starts tomorrow in France.
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby critor » 01 Sep 2024, 21:14

Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe, on nous avait annoncé sur HP Museum une 2e beta publique rapidement (sous une semaine si ma mémoire est bonne) avec cette fois-ci non pas de simples corrections de vieux bugs mais enfin des nouveautés par Bernard Parisse (CAS entre autres), et nous ne les avons jamais eues.

Sauf surprise imminente, je considère donc pour le classement QCC 2024 que la HP Prime n'évolue toujours pas pour la rentrée 2024.
Le retard sur la concurrence est de plus en plus préoccupant...
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Re: Improving the Help text on HP Prime

Unread postby Noury » 03 Sep 2024, 06:35


Je viens de faire une maj de ma Prime.
Software revision: 15157
Version CAS: 1.5.0

Je ne sais pas à quoi ça correspond exactement.
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