
GDB Firebird configuration issue

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GDB Firebird configuration issue

Message non lude SlyVTT » 06 Sep 2021, 15:09


I am wondering if anybody succeeded in setting up properly a debugging solution for nSpire under WSL(2).

I am either Firebird or GDB server not working and don't know how to get something running smoothly altogether, cause I am reaching the limits of using the fprint method to debug my GUI Toolkit.

I have Firebird running on pure (native) Windows but cannot make it run under WSL (unable to create a rendering context. Even if other graphical apps a running well.

And cannot make GBD server running on windows.

So whatever I do, I do not have both Firebird/GDB running on the same system (WSL or Win10 native).

Do some of you succeeded in making the apps discussing together on win10 or WSL ? A good tutorial would be appreciated.


Some works in progress :
The GUI Toolkit NF for nSpireMyShmup for fxCG-50Magic Light for Casio Graph 90+E
Magic Light for nSpire CX/CX-II
Simple Text Editor for nSpireOutRun for Casio Graph 90+E
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Re: GDB Firebird configuration issue

Message non lude Adriweb » 06 Sep 2021, 15:28

At this point, I'm wondering if it'll be faster/easier to just use a Linux VM for everything :)

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Re: GDB Firebird configuration issue

Message non lude SlyVTT » 06 Sep 2021, 16:34

Yes agree, just a bit curious cause it may be possible to have this working and hence save some gigabytes.
I am very happy with WSL, so if I could get Firebird/GDB working with it, that would be really wonderful.
Some works in progress :
The GUI Toolkit NF for nSpireMyShmup for fxCG-50Magic Light for Casio Graph 90+E
Magic Light for nSpire CX/CX-II
Simple Text Editor for nSpireOutRun for Casio Graph 90+E
And more to come ... stay tuned
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Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
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Inscription: 19 Jan 2021, 09:41
Localisation: France
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GitHub: SlyVTT

Re: GDB Firebird configuration issue

Message non lude SlyVTT » 10 Sep 2021, 14:40

So, after some long days and nights spent on this, some good news/explanations.

I never succeeded in making it working under WSL :bang: . This seems to come from IP "translation" making it impossible to communicate between Firebird on Win10 and GDB on WSL. I was not able to create a bridge between both system.

So I decided to install a true Ubuntu 21.04 (the last one) distribution aside Win10 with a dual boot (and it is a pain with Lenovo's computer).
Everything (finally) installed, Ndless SDK properly installed and configured, all building process Ok and ... ... ... still nothing working because of a conflict in packages.
Ubuntu 21.04, in its great care for users, decided to have the GDB with ARM support (arm-none-eabi-gdb version 10.1.0) installed in the default configuration, and it creates a conflict with the Ndless toolchain. This leads to instantaneous crashes on GDB with a segmentation fault. So need to restart from scratch.

In between I made some parallel tests on a former Kubuntu 20.04 Virtual Machine and GDB(ARM) seemed to work without crashing ...

So I then decided then to came back one version earlier, Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with minimal install, so what I can properly choose what will be installed later on.

Once again, Ndless SDK installation (need to admit I am very happy of my brand new computer that makes the job in no longer than 15minutes).
Firebird for linux installed, AND .... GDB successfully connected. YES !!! :#gni#: :#vive#:

So as a summary, this is what I tried :

Firebird Win10 with GDB(Arm) WSL : not working due to non identified IP for scrutinizing port :3333
Firebird WSL with GDB(ARM) WSL : not working due to issue with Xserver (firebird cannot initialise)
Firebird Linux Ubuntu 21.04 (standard install) with GDB(ARM) : not working because of conflict with GDB (ARM) package already installed
Firebird Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (minimum install) with GDB(ARM) : Working

I guess the "minimum install" of Ubuntu 21.04 should also work but I am a bit lazy and don't want to have one more session of "full install".

Now the only remaining topic is to have a GUI frontend working for debugging cause GDB is Ok, but a bit tough when using command line.


Some works in progress :
The GUI Toolkit NF for nSpireMyShmup for fxCG-50Magic Light for Casio Graph 90+E
Magic Light for nSpire CX/CX-II
Simple Text Editor for nSpireOutRun for Casio Graph 90+E
And more to come ... stay tuned
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Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
Prochain niv.: 43.9%
Messages: 495
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Inscription: 19 Jan 2021, 09:41
Localisation: France
Genre: Homme
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GitHub: SlyVTT

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