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OS 5.3.1 bloque le développement assembleur sur calculatrice

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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude Adriweb » 21 Mar 2018, 07:01

No it's not a mistake, they confirmed it after all with TI-Dallas. And they say it's only half disabled because they didn't want to block/remove it entirely either, so to use it they say to write and transfer things from TI-Connect CE. But that's also why I (or anybody else, I guess) say it's completely absurd/illogical.

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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Mar 2018, 07:07

Adriweb a écrit:No it's not a mistake, they confirmed it after all with TI-Dallas. And they say it's only half disabled because they didn't want to block/remove it entirely either, so to use it they say to write and transfer things from TI-Connect CE. But that's also why I (or anybody else, I guess) say it's completely absurd/illogical.

I have a feeling this is a case of whoever said that not communicating with the OS devs, but if it's not, that is just ridiculous. The crossed out command is almost taunting programmers.
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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude Adriweb » 21 Mar 2018, 07:10

Yes I too suspect some communication issue(s) somewhere at TI, since it's non-sense to me. Which is also why we can hope (doesn't cost anything...) it may change in an update...

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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude critor » 21 Mar 2018, 10:27

Some restrictions are legitimate, I have nothing against them and I'll even publicly side with them.

But blocking Asm83PrgmCE/Asm84PrgmCE in exam mode was enough.
There was no need to partially block it outside of the exam mode too, thus bothering legitimate users.

This restriction is abusive as has to be fixed as soon as possible. :#non#:
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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude Adriweb » 21 Mar 2018, 11:08

critor a écrit:Some restrictions are legitimate, I have nothing against them and I'll even publicly side with them.

Yes - I believe everyone is only talking about the ASM8*PrgmCE token disabling silliness.

I also think blocking it in exam mode was enough. But for TI, somehow... there must have been some reason why they thought it was better also to have it blocked in non-PTT... because they knew they were going to get bad press about it. Any idea what could be bad about it in non-PTT ? (I can find bad ideas/reasons, but no real good ones)

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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude critor » 21 Mar 2018, 11:30

There is nothing you can do in hex-asm that you can't do in squished-asm.
The restriction is abusive, illogical and stupid.
It needs to be reverted as soon as possible.
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Re: L'OS CE 5.3.1 bloque en partie l'ASM hexa via Asm83CEPrg

Message non lude Adriweb » 21 Mar 2018, 11:37

Then, you need to tell them directly ! It's not really useful to say it here only over and over. Probably nothing will ever change if it's here only.
I already did as you saw in the email but more voices (especially from you, known from many years and as a math teacher) are important :)
In fact, opinions from teachers is probably what matters the most for TI, as they need to listen to them. Considering probably no teacher ever is going to complain about this (because it's way too advanced/rare for their usage), your opinion is made even more important. I guess they would need to be reassured that the command doesn't bring any security issues :P

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Re: OS 5.3.1 bloque le développement assembleur sur calculat

Message non lude critor » 21 Mar 2018, 11:41

Don't act like we didn't tell them anything.
In can see no point in telling them anything more, when they apparently did already totally misunderstand our message, and didn't even have the politeness/respect to contact us about it for months now, doing abusive changes on their own.
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Re: OS 5.3.1 bloque le développement assembleur sur calculat

Message non lude Adriweb » 21 Mar 2018, 11:48

No no, I know that.
What I'm saying now is that since OS 5.3.1 is out, if you want your opinion to be heard, you (as a known person in the community and a math teacher) need to write them an email (or whatever else) about this specific issue (which wasn't talked about before since it's new), otherwise it will probably not be.
I did already, but your voice weighs more than mine.
The rest of the things (security fixes) are ok, so no problem there. It's just this token problem that you need to speak to them about (well I guess there's also the 1min30 issue :P)

Basically, one can't really complain about something that hasn't changed in a future update if they first didn't report their opinion about it officially (this is about anything in general, not specific to you or this issue). So for me, as long as you don't contact them with your opinion, mine will not be enough. And as such, we can't really expect any change (there's only a tiny chance with just my email)

Of course, I also encourage anybody else to contact them (even more so if they are teachers etc.)

The goal is to then be able to say, about this issue: "at least we tried, there is nothing else we could have done". For now, this is not the case if only I contacted them, it's probably not enough.

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Re: OS 5.3.1 bloque le développement assembleur sur calculat

Message non lude critor » 21 Mar 2018, 12:06

There is no point in contacting people who just proved they don't want to communicate (at least with inferior beings they don't respect like us ?...).
But feel free to do it if you have time to lose.

Also, we have no direct contacts with the (e)z80 dev team as far as I know. Seems the message which was forwarded internally months ago was totally misunderstood.
Communicating the same way probably won't bring anything better.

And I'm not sure my voice weights more than yours. This has nothing to do with education.

If they don't revert or start discussing this in the next days, the community will have to do it by itself. Like it did every time TI went too far, although it was long years ago, before 2015. Apparently nothing did really change since then, it's very sad.
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