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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude TheChosenEvilOne » 16 Fév 2018, 05:57

parrotgeek1 a écrit:
TheChosenEvilOne a écrit:
critor a écrit:Which EVT TouchPad keypad do you have by the way ?

EVT1 it seems

anyways I need to go sleep now, can someone write a human understandable guide on installing this?
like how do you do step 1?

Okay. Is your calculator EVT, or just the touchpad piece?

touchpad, not sure about the calculator because its an old one with the text behind it in unreadable condition
also I just want to know how I can install this
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2018, 21:36
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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 16 Fév 2018, 08:28

TheChosenEvilOne a écrit:touchpad, not sure about the calculator because its an old one with the text behind it in unreadable condition
also I just want to know how I can install this


What OS version is the calculator currently on? This process is much easier if it has 3.1 or 3.0, and very simple if it has 2.1 or older.

It would make more sense for you to PM me.
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Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
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Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude TheChosenEvilOne » 17 Fév 2018, 08:36

parrotgeek1 a écrit:
TheChosenEvilOne a écrit:
critor a écrit:Which EVT TouchPad keypad do you have by the way ?

EVT1 it seems

anyways I need to go sleep now, can someone write a human understandable guide on installing this?
like how do you do step 1?

Okay. Is your calculator EVT, or just the touchpad piece?

oh nvm, its DVT1 (touchpad) I must have misread
calculator text has been melted off so I cannot tell that
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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Prochain niv.: 0%
Messages: 7
Inscription: 15 Fév 2018, 21:36
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude TheChosenEvilOne » 07 Mar 2018, 18:47

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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
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Messages: 7
Inscription: 15 Fév 2018, 21:36
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 08 Mar 2018, 15:35

TheChosenEvilOne a écrit:anyone?

Sorry, there is a small problem. It's going to be really hard for you to install this... If you can't type anything. Someone (not me) needs to make a program that automatically installs boot2 1.4 without any confirmation. Critor?

Edit: I asked him to do that
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Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Prochain niv.: 87.9%
Messages: 746
Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
Localisation: This account is no longer used.
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude TheChosenEvilOne » 09 Mar 2018, 06:23

Thank you
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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Prochain niv.: 0%
Messages: 7
Inscription: 15 Fév 2018, 21:36
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude TheChosenEvilOne » 16 Mar 2018, 15:00

any news on this?
I would like to get the calculator working in the next week
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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Prochain niv.: 0%
Messages: 7
Inscription: 15 Fév 2018, 21:36
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 16 Mar 2018, 18:06

TheChosenEvilOne a écrit:any news on this?
I would like to get the calculator working in the next week

He never said anything. Do you have a Discord?

Also, what OS version do you have?
Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 23 Sep 2020, 04:48, édité 1 fois.
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Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Prochain niv.: 87.9%
Messages: 746
Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
Localisation: This account is no longer used.
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 16 Mar 2018, 21:06

We got it to work! Just use nsnandmgr normally with the wrong keymap (like in maintenance menu)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)
Prochain niv.: 87.9%
Messages: 746
Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
Localisation: This account is no longer used.
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Message non lude critor » 16 Mar 2018, 22:20

Oh great ! :bj:
Thank you very much for your persistence on this problem @parrotgeek1. :)

For reference, could you share a picture of the front and back of your keypad with us ?
With the serial number visible for the back.
It seems you've got an interesting touchpad keypad prototype with separate arrow keys, and we could never get one although we ordered several EVT/DVT keypads lastly.
So the serial could help us in the future.
Thank you very much. :)
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