
ICE Compiler

Assembleur, Axe, C/C++, ICE...

Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 24 Nov 2016, 20:05

sautax wrote:There is a bug in your new version 1.2.4 with ram cleared ....
i go back to the 1.2.3

Would be nice if I get some more information :)
Did it cleared the RAM during compiling, or during execution of the output program?
And can you please hand me the source, then I can maybe trace the bug :)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I found the bug. Thanks! Just redownload ICE and you should be fine :)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby sautax » 27 Nov 2016, 12:39

Hello PT_ !
I found a new bug, a freeze :troll: it's happening when running this program :
Code: Select all
      Pause 10
      Pause 10
      Pause 10
      Pause 10


i can't exit the program
it works with a compilation with ICE 1.2.3
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 28 Nov 2016, 09:06

Hmm, it seems I did something totally wrong with nested For-loops :troll:
Fixed and updated!

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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 29 Nov 2016, 13:52

the ICE program PONG doesn't work on my TI 83 PCE. :(
I can't compile it, ICE freeze :(
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 29 Nov 2016, 15:31

Ti64CLi++ wrote:the ICE program PONG doesn't work on my TI 83 PCE. :(
I can't compile it, ICE freeze :(

Are you sure you have the latest ICE version? (v1.4) I can happen that I left some debugging tools in ICE that causes a 'freeze' (actually, it opens the debugger menu ;) )
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 29 Nov 2016, 17:31

I have ICE 1.2.4 : archives_voir.php?id=587211
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby sautax » 29 Nov 2016, 23:13

Ti64CLi++ wrote:I have ICE 1.2.4 : archives_voir.php?id=587211

I think you need to re-download it
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 30 Nov 2016, 14:21

Ok, I try, and I repost if it works ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby STaa » 03 Dec 2016, 14:46

I have a bug, whenever I compile a program that already exists in the ram, I have a syntax error.

Also, large programs doesn't show the progress bar.


P.S: It also launch some commands completly randomly from time to time
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 03 Dec 2016, 15:15

STaa wrote:I have a bug, whenever I compile a program that already exists in the ram, I have a syntax error.

Also, large programs doesn't show the progress bar.


P.S: It also launch some commands completly randomly from time to time

This sounds very weird to me. Have you downloaded the latest ICE version. And if you are sure you have, and the bugs still occur, can you maybe screenshot it, so I can see it? And maybe can you give me the source? Thanks! :)
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