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I made a new update for Minecraft 2D!

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I made a new update for Minecraft 2D!

Message non lude chalex0 » 22 Mai 2021, 20:05

Main topic: https://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-proj ... #msg407879

I was working on a quality of life mod and I didn't even know about the superior 1.0 pre 2 version until I was basically finished.
Anyway, I present to you..
Chalex's Minecraft 2D Enhanced Controls Mod!


- The unused hamster block acts as a super light source, with a strength of 1000. This is a bad way to fix the lighting problems on emulator, but alas, I am bad at coding.

Quality of life improvements:
- New control schemes!:
1: Old controls with enter placing and destroying
2: Old controls with (-) placing and enter destroying
3: Control scheme 1 but numpad moves Steve and touchpad cursor
4: Controls scheme 2 but numpad moves Steve and touchpad moves cursor (this is the one I recommend!)
- Control schemes 3&4 also have wasd and space mappings to make pc play intuitive
- Unused hamster block can be crafted...
- Updated a few other things too that I presumably forgot about

Other improvements:
- New splash text? idk

- I intend on making new craftable blocks as soon as I can understand how to make a graphic
- New tree types maybe too
- Relatively simple stuff honestly I'm only 15 perhaps something more drastic when I have experience
Fichiers joints
Chalex's MC2D Mod (0.13+1.0) v1.rar
(335.02 Kio) Téléchargé 269 fois
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 88%
Messages: 17
Inscription: 22 Mai 2021, 19:54
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Genre: Homme
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YouTube: onlypuppy7

Re: I made a new update for Minecraft 2D!

Message non lude chalex0 » 23 Mai 2021, 22:49

Main topic - https://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-proj ... #msg407880

I am releasing [size=14pt]the v2 version Chalex's MC2D Mod![/size]

Textures look bad due to being taken with an emulator!! They look crisp on hardware!
A showcase of all the new blocks!

Strongholds now have a 1 in 10 chance of generating in place of dungeons!

- Hamster changed to glowstone
- A few crashes fixed

- Strongholds generate in place of 1/10th of a dungeon! They contain an end portal and some stairs. Once I manage to make a new dimension I might even be able to implement the End :o
- New stone brick block types!:
- Stone Bricks (craftable from 4 stone)
- Mossy Stone Bricks (craftable from 1 vine and 1 stone brick)
- Cracked Stone Bricks (craftable by smelting stone bricks)
- Stone Brick Stairs (craftable from 6 stone bricks)
- Other new blocks!
- Vines (obtainable as chest loot and act like ladders)
- Iron bars (craftable from 6 iron)
- End portal frames (not craftable)[/font]

Bugs >:(:
- Sometimes the roof of strongholds spit an error. I have no clue why.

- The end!
- Valuable blocks (block of iron, gold etc)
- Nether Portals to teleport to the "Nether" layer!
- Endermen!

https://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-proj ... tach=25674
https://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-proj ... tach=25675
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 88%
Messages: 17
Inscription: 22 Mai 2021, 19:54
Localisation: UK
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
YouTube: onlypuppy7

Re: I made a new update for Minecraft 2D!

Message non lude CalcgamerPerris » 05 Avr 2023, 02:44

Hey im new to calculator programming and I was wondering how i could open the file to your mod and look at your code.
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Inscription: 05 Avr 2023, 02:32
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Re: I made a new update for Minecraft 2D!

Message non lude chalex0 » 28 Aoû 2023, 13:58

CalcgamerPerris a écrit:Hey im new to calculator programming and I was wondering how i could open the file to your mod and look at your code.

I hadn't seen this.. sorry ! You will have to open the file in student software, then at the top bar press insert, then script editor, then edit script.
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 88%
Messages: 17
Inscription: 22 Mai 2021, 19:54
Localisation: UK
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
YouTube: onlypuppy7

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