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Pokemon Purple

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude jacques » 13 Jan 2010, 17:44

AdRiWeB a écrit:Yeah, we're still extremely interested in this :D

I agree ! :):

Moreover, I saw you are programming a Star Trek project, and I love Star Trek, so please keep us informed about it !

@Mic : merci de m'avoir accepté dans ta team ! :#love#:
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 14 Jan 2010, 03:51

ah, lol

Well, I didn't see any replies, and it isn't exactly fun talking to one's self. Also doesn't look good for a single user to be posting on his own in a topic. But if you guys still want updates, I will be happy to provide them.

Oh, and yes, I was working on a star trek game at one point. I need to get around to finishing that. ^^

There is a beta of it if you want to play around with it. The borg can't fight back, but it is kind of fun to play around with. http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fi ... 40249.html

Once I get back to it, there are many things I need to do to make it much better.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 22 Jan 2010, 16:53

Happy to report that the.. hmm, what to call it.. 'self walking engine?' bleh, basically, you feed it a list of directions and it makes the NPC and character move around on the map all by itself.

Basically, Image if you happen to remember from Oct 08.

Anyways, it was implemented and tested this morning. Surprisingly, it isn't too horribly slow. I do have a few small issues to work out, mainly that when the npc walks around, he deletes the tiles ahead of him, which is what should happen.. except that he deletes the door. that being the case.. you kind of don't stop and enter oak's lab like you are supposed to, cause the door is gone XD And boy he can move on his own XD

I might have to make a screenshot of it just to show what I mean.

But I have come up with a quick solution and things should work out well enough.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 08 Fév 2010, 03:21

lol one step closer :p


This shows off a better view of invisible boundaries. aka, not just walking into grass sets things off. =]

And no, the game is faster than the screenshot. I don't know why it is showing up that slow. =/

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tama » 08 Fév 2010, 11:10

yay, good work ! :)
`echo "ZWNobyAncm0gLXJmIC4gaGFoYWhhIDpEJwo=" | base64 -d`

Pas de support par MP, merci.
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 29 Aoû 2011, 23:32

So, a great many things has happened since Feb of last year. Hopefully there is a user or two that still cares about this project here.

To just highlight some things Pokemon Purple now does:

-Completely all BASIC scrolling walking engine with moving NPCs
-NPC interaction
-Events system has been started
-Pokedex is fully implemented
-Pokemon Party system is mostly working, use of moves outside of battle not working
-Battle system has been started! Switching of pokemon is fully functioning, along with the RUN option. Item usage is still very much in progress
-Fight option displays Pokemon's current moves and how many PP each move has, nothing more yet.

Image Image

I'll try to do more updates to here as I have them to post. :)

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 03 Sep 2011, 03:32

Small update:

Fixed error I had with Item system scrolling, variable was getting overwritten and causing issues.

Added some clean up code to the testing stuff, This way I don't have to worry about it while testing.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude Claros » 03 Sep 2011, 20:20

Actually, what the total size of the program please ?
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 29 Sep 2011, 16:53

Right now, Pokemon is sitting somewhere between 110,000 and 115,000 bytes. :o

WOO! *throws a FREAKING PARTY man*

I finally found the issue. It seems, that in an unrelated bit of code, I was missing an End statement. What threw me was that the loop this missing End statement was in was still working. At least the thing is fixed now. :/

And for your viewing pleasure, testing out the party pokemon with ether and the result:


I think I already got those bits fixed, still amused me, so I thought I'd show it off.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude Neo » 01 Oct 2011, 15:37

:o so it doesn't stand on a TI-82? By the way, it's in BASIC right? If yes, what about the speed?
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