
Pokemon Purple

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tama » 30 Oct 2008, 11:43

hmmm .... I think I don't have any word to describe it, I've already used all of them :D
my vocabulary is somewhat limited :p

Well, awesome, as usual, keep to show us your progress ;)
`echo "ZWNobyAncm0gLXJmIC4gaGFoYWhhIDpEJwo=" | base64 -d`

Pas de support par MP, merci.
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby Adriweb » 18 Dec 2008, 21:37


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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 14 Feb 2009, 04:35

heh, that isnt mine, it is a competitor, so to speak. =p

Oh, guess what? I am not dead! =0 *cue lighting and thunder*

I am still working on getting this code cleaned up and written out. Once it is done and organized and fixed in the calc.. then I can go back to figuring out what I was doing before I stopped. XD

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 15 May 2009, 15:27

Finally completed running through the code and cleaning up variable usage, plus I have optimized the program by roughly 1500 bytes thus far. I have to rewrite the items system, which will save a TON of space, and I am eager for the ability to at least run through the list of items you get to be done. I will still have to make it so you can use the items, but that isn't important until AFTER you can get your pokemon anyways. =p

Oh, and sorry for having been gone so long, I will try harder to post more here. ^_^

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 15 May 2009, 23:02

I really haven't touched it, but I have some ideas to do to it to make things a bit more efficient with it, pending the idea works =]

Plus there really wasn't a whole lot left to do to it to make it complete, if memory serves. If I knew asm, would make it so you flew around the map (in 2d of course) and fought in that manner. ah well, that will have to be left to someone else. =]

Back to pokemon ^_^

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 24 May 2009, 14:30

And something for the masses: Image

Currently, only the scrolling and page by page turning is working. I still need to add:

X -the ability to move an item
X -the ability to toss an item
X -the ability to use an item

Using an item won't happen until I get it to where you can have a pokemon to use one on. That will be somewhat difficult, as each item does different things. I will also need to devise a dynamic routine for all the TMs and HMs, since they will all essentially do the same, and make it easier, but if the pokemon knows 4 moves already, it will have to replace the selected move with the TM/HM.

Oh what fun.. I think I will work on moving an item and tossing an item to at least get those out of the way. =]

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 20 Dec 2009, 14:09

wow, been a while since I have posted anything.

Been cleaning up code still, and adding small things. I got all the text for the pokedex entries on the calc, but I still have to program it in so the calc displays it.

The big thing tho is that I now have NPCs moving. ^_^

Well, they only move left and right, but it is a start: Image

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 20 Dec 2009, 23:50


4-way movement for NPCs are now implemented!

To do:

-Make NPCs recognize character as non-walkable
-Make NPCs not clear a trail in grassy areas
-Make it so you can talk to NPCs again ._.

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby tifreak8x » 13 Jan 2010, 04:55

well, since there seems to have been a loss of interest in this project here, I will be posting updates for my project at http://tifreakware.ath.cx/index.php?showforum=85 if there is anyone still here that was interested.

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Unread postby Adriweb » 13 Jan 2010, 14:39

Yeah, we're still extremely interested in this :D

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