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Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

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Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby SuperXX » 13 Jun 2021, 15:38

I´m trying to compile KhiCas and an error saying "fatal error: gmp.h: No such file or directory" appears. I´ve searched for it and it seems that libgmp3-dev was missing, so I run the apt-get command to install it and try again, still nothing. I´ve also tried to ran some other apt-get commands to install things but they were already installed. But it still Gives me the error.

Here is an image of the error:


Does somebody know what´s going on?

Thank you
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby parisse » 13 Jun 2021, 19:41

You must cross-compile gmp/mpfr for ARM.
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby Adriweb » 13 Jun 2021, 20:45

Speaking of which, Vogtinator wasn't against the idea of adding those directly to the Ndless SDK, if properly done (libs, headers, updating the makefiles here and there) ; I suppose a PR for that wouldn't be very complicated, and would make building khicas (or anything else using that) simpler.

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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby SuperXX » 14 Jun 2021, 08:27

parisse wrote:You must cross-compile gmp/mpfr for ARM.

I know that I may sound a real noob, but how can I do that?
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby parisse » 14 Jun 2021, 19:38

It's unfortunately not that easy. Maybe the easiest is to add pre-compiled libraries and headers, from https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/ti/gmpfr_nspire.tgz
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby SuperXX » 15 Jun 2021, 11:49

parisse wrote:It's unfortunately not that easy. Maybe the easiest is to add pre-compiled libraries and headers, from https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes ... nspire.tgz

Sorry man, but it´s saying that I don´t have permission to access it


Can you send me in another way?
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby parisse » 15 Jun 2021, 13:58

Should be fixed!
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby SuperXX » 15 Jun 2021, 22:01

parisse wrote:Should be fixed!

Its working, thank you.

I'll try this later
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby SuperXX » 16 Jun 2021, 15:30

parisse wrote:It's unfortunately not that easy. Maybe the easiest is to add pre-compiled libraries and headers, from https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/ti/gmpfr_nspire.tgz

So, I´ve downloaded it and I have copied it to the ndless-sdk. Still the same error. I don´t really know how to do it. I thinked I needed to make the sdk again, but even when I deleted, executed the "gitclone" command, copied the files and have done the installation proccess again, it didn´t work. So, what do I need to do? I´ve tried to search on "How to add libraries to ndless-sdk" and I dind´t find nothing.

Note: I´ve done this on my Laptop with Kali Linux, but I don´t think that´s the problem .
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Unread postby parisse » 16 Jun 2021, 16:32

Did you unarchive the file?
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