
1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 23 Fév 2016, 19:21

You need to search for hex content rather than string content, and IIRC, you should also search for the little-endian version, i.e. 0x5104 and 0xF3BE :)
What's more, you should be searching either within the portion of Firebird's memory which contains calculator's RAM image, or you should export said RAM image (64 MB from 0x10000000) to a file, and search inside that.
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude geckow » 23 Fév 2016, 20:11

Hmm, ok thank you...
64 MB = 536870912 bits
So bloc is 0x10000000 to 0x2FFFFFFF right ? Is it normal that from 0x10000000 to 0x10B90000 there is nothing ?
And do you know how to export a selection with HxD ?
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 23 Fév 2016, 20:30

So bloc is 0x10000000 to 0x2FFFFFFF right ?

64 MB is 0x40*0x100000, therefore you need to export the emulated addressing space from 0x10000000 to 0x13FFFFFF, though most of it should be irrelevant for your purposes, as...

Is it normal that from 0x10000000 to 0x10B90000 there is nothing ?

... the main part of the OS itself (code + const + data) still takes less than 16 MB, the rest of the 64 MB is heap + stacks + a bit more stuff, so yeah, that's mostly normal.

And do you know how to export a selection with HxD ?

Nope, sorry :)
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude geckow » 23 Fév 2016, 21:23

No luck for now >:]
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 23 Fév 2016, 22:24

You're dumping Firebird's memory image, and what's more, pointing to areas of your computer's addressing space outside of the memory reachable by the Firebird process. That's not what you want (you want to dump the emulated addressing space), and the OS is right not to let you do that ;)

Simply put, HxD is not the best tool for achieving your aim :)
Firebird's ancestor nspire_emu has made it possible to dump the emulated address space since pretty much the beginning. Obtaining such memory dumps through the emulator's built-in debugger was an integral part of one of the early methods for obtaining clear-binary OS images, I used it multiple times before an off-line program came out. Nowadays, Firebird also provides a GDBstub, inherited and improved from nspire_emu, which itself inherited it from Ncubate.
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude geckow » 23 Fév 2016, 23:08

I don't understand how to use GDB debugger...
I should maybe make use of snapshots in Firebird... Are they RAM dumps ? I know that I can ungzip them and the output file is about 67 MB (a bit more than the RAM size), if I edit this file, repack it, and load it into Firebird, should it work ?
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Adriweb » 23 Fév 2016, 23:11

In Firebird, in the menus, you can press "Enter Debugger".
Then, if you type 'h' (help), you'll see the list of commands.

From there, you can simply ask for a memory dump :)
"wm <file> <start> <size> - write memory to file"

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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude geckow » 23 Fév 2016, 23:25

There is not a lot of docs on github :p
Thanks, to dump the whole memory, I should do "wm dump 10000000 4000000" right ?

A bit too much complicated... I we buy any USB to serial adaptor with changeable VID/PID we could use any dev board with serial connexions (RX/TX) ? (like this cheap one : http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2015-Hot ... 07346.html)
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Wistaro » 01 Nov 2016, 22:20

Good work :)

Is there a way to change PID and VID values on a pic18f mcu?
I didn't find anything on google...
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Re: 1ère détection réussie Arduino Leonardo sur TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude jimbauwens » 02 Nov 2016, 17:58

Wistaro a écrit:Good work :)

Is there a way to change PID and VID values on a pic18f mcu?
I didn't find anything on google...

As USB is not implemented on hardware level, the VID/PID is probably specified in the USB library (a search through the files for the current VID/PID might help). I found the following link: http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=6457, however I don't know if it applies to your microcontroller.
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