
Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 20 Juil 2018, 20:43

I think this is how they modified this calculator:

Took a production calculator and added the wire to it
Flashed the production signed uboot
Used that uboot to flash boot1 with xmodem/flash write commands
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude critor » 21 Juil 2018, 00:15

Or maybe they just reflashed the Flash NOR through JTAG, since this calculator has the J04 connector (which is unusual for a production PCB) :
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Juil 2018, 05:49

critor a écrit:Possible.
Or maybe they just reflashed the Flash NOR through JTAG, since this calculator has the J04 connector (which is unusual for a production PCB) :

If they did that, why would they need the production uboot?
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude critor » 21 Juil 2018, 08:00

Indeed, you've got a point. :)

Comsmy m'a envoyé des captures de l'OS de développement :
Comsmy sent me captures of devbuild OS :


Il a toujours l'éditeur de thème, mais plus le thème CX :
It still has the theme editor, but not the CX theme anymore :

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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Juil 2018, 08:34

Did he dump it? What calculator is this from? I think this is the second known "classic" 3.0 dev OS.
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude critor » 21 Juil 2018, 09:02

Not dumped yet.
Because TiLP is too complicated to install with recent Windows editions.
I gave him another way using 2 calculators, but he doesn't have the cable.
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 21 Juil 2018, 09:12

Well, having both TILP and TI's software in working state on a given computer is a matter of going through a known, described procedure, once :)
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Juil 2018, 09:14

Lionel Debroux a écrit:Well, having both TILP and TI's software in working state on a given computer is a matter of going through a known, described procedure, once :)

That has not been my experience with ANY windows usb drivers :-p
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude critor » 31 Juil 2018, 14:02

Now fully unlocked and updated, after confirming with Brandon ! :bj:

Reflashed NOR with patched Boot1 1.1.9999, which can load any development/production/modified Boot2/Diags.
This confirms the hardware mode makes the NOR writable.

Flashed patched Boot2 1.4.9999, simular purpose but not as good.

Left Diags 1.1.0 with U-Boot.

Installed Nlaunch CXM 2.5 to be able to install and launch many OSes and auto-enable Ndless.

Installed OS 3.9 non-CAS + put OS 3.9 CAS image in /nlaunch/.
Both OS images have been TNOCed to take less space.

Installed Ndless 3.9 (takes less RAM than Ndless 4).

The best TI-Nspire ClickPad calculator for developers in the world ! :bj:

Ready to be shipped back.
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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Re: Test TI-Nspire de développement avec thème CX + J04/JTAG

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 31 Juil 2018, 17:44

critor a écrit:(takes less RAM than Ndless 4)

Oh, I didn't know OSes 4.x were available on Nspire clickpad ;)
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