
Deli D991CN - first look of the 1st ClassWiz Clone in China

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Deli D991CN - first look of the 1st ClassWiz Clone in China

Unread postby hikari_calyx » 28 Nov 2017, 16:15

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So, I got my own Deli D991CN, the first ClassWiz Clone in China.

As you can see, the menu is totally the same to the Casio fx-991CN X, as for the calculation speed, it's slower than a regular ClassWiz, and less reliable of course.
I tested ∑(X,1,1000) on the calculator, it takes more than 3 seconds to get the result, while Casio gets the result faster.

Unlike most of ES or ES PLUS clones before, this ClassWiz Clone has it's own power off splash.

As you may expect, the PCB looks terrible like most of clones.

I wonder if there's also ClassWiz clone from other manufacturers like Lexibook, Truly.
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Re: Deli D991CN - first look of the 1st ClassWiz Clone in Ch

Unread postby BrainPortable » 28 Nov 2017, 16:31

That's quite interesting since no any company had pirated out a fully functional ClassWiz calculator before this.

BTW why not showing us its diagnostic mode? :#spin#:
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