
La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

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La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude BrainPortable » 01 Déc 2015, 17:03

Nowadays,I received a news about a Chinese company called Tianyan has made out a Graphic calculator.
This calculator is called “TY-TX800”,which looks extremely like CASIO 's Graph 75+ combined with a fx-991es keyboard.(Which looks really ugly...)
Unlike that contrefeited Nspire touchpad (DY-8812),this one is more advanced,since it has a GUI menu with chinese display support,and a higher resolution LCD.However,we don't know more about it till now...
This calculator is being sold on the Internet now,at about€ 76.74...Really not worth buying it.
Dernière édition par BrainPortable le 01 Déc 2015, 17:26, édité 3 fois.
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Re: La contrefeite fx-9750GII en Chine

Message non lude BrainPortable » 01 Déc 2015, 17:09

The advertisement of it.You can see that it is designed in fx-9860GII's shape but with a fx-991es keyboard
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude critor » 01 Déc 2015, 20:04

Incredible ! :P
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude Desgging » 03 Fév 2016, 15:34

I thought he only made fake fx-82MS calculator, but TX800 shocked us. He has fx-991ES PLUS keypad,fx-9860GII's shape and the price of nspire CM-C(About ¥600)!
(Excuse me I used translator, I'm a Chinese.)
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude critor » 03 Fév 2016, 16:00

No problem with your english :)
You're welcome.
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude 19wichen » 04 Fév 2016, 02:41

WOW!a Chinese calculator!
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude critor » 30 Avr 2018, 12:21

Got one.

It seems based on a non-graphing calculator technology, like the Lexibook GC3000FR.
Not very powerful. Needs 1sec to refresh the menu when you change your selection.
The screen is 128x64, but in calc mode it shows only 1 input and 1 result.

But unlike the Lexibook GC3000FR, it's quite impressive for such an unpowerful technology.
It has an exact engine, natural input and natural output ! :bj:
It also has its own programming language ! :bj:

It also has a functionnal USB port.
It shows up as 2 HID devices, like the HP Prime abuse :

Although it uses the Casio USB graphing calculators case and screen, the Casio scientific calculators keyboard, and the Casio non-USB graphing calculators menu icons, although it may have used the Casio exact + natural input/output code, it still seems that important parts of the firmware were still developed especially for this model.

I'll news about it with pictures someday.

Question : where is the "PC Tool" connectivity software mentioned in the manual ?
I cannot find it on the official web site :
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Re: La contrefeite CASIO Graph 75+ en Chine

Message non lude critor » 07 Juil 2018, 15:02

Just newsed about it as promised :
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