
TI lance la campagne "STEM behind Hollywood"

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TI lance la campagne "STEM behind Hollywood"

Message non lude Adriweb » 08 Aoû 2013, 15:21

Bonjour à tous,

Il ne se passe pas énormément de choses ces temps-ci côté TI, notamment car les concurrent font parler d'eux... mais TI Dallas lance aujourd'hui une "campagne" / événement "STEM behind hollywood", en francais. STEM signifie "science, technology, engineering and mathematics", que vous traduirez sans problème. Donc, tout ce qu'il se passe au niveau scientifique derrière les blockbusters d'hollywood, et la première "vague" d'activités (TI-Nspire) concerne les zombies, notamment inspiré avec le récent film World War Z. Les thèmes à venir sont : "Superheroes", "Space", et "Forensics" (Police scientifique).


On pourrait se demander pourquoi tant d'efforts sont donnés pour ... des zombies ?
Après réflexion, c'est, après tout un bon moyen d'attirer les jeunes vers la science, en utilisant un contexte qu'ils connaissent par ailleurs : les grands films de cet été. En gros, attirer des individus vers la science en partant d'un divertissement, pourquoi pas :D
Quelques citations traduites de la press release : “Nous aidons les enseignants à attirer les jeunes vers les STEM en montrant le côté "cool" les maths et sciences appliquées au monde réel qu'ils peuvent voir à la télévision ou dans les films” dit Melendy Lovett, présidente de la section Edtucation Technology de TI. “Nous sommes très heureux de travailler avec le "The Science & Entertainment Exchange" et notre embassadrice STEM Mayim Bialik sur cette initiative pour capturer l'imagination des élèves et à cultiver un intérêt sans fin et une carrière pour les STEM”.

Tout cela est certes bien respectable, mais une telle façon de procéder marcherait probablement moins bien dans le système éducatif actuellement en place en France qu'aux USA en tout cas, car ils ont l'air d'aimer ça ;) (il faut savoir que jusqu'aux USA, au lycée, l'enseignement, surtout des sciences, est très basé sur l'expérience et le visuel, largement moins théorique comme en France.)

Pour réaliser tout ceci, TI a fait appel quelques spécialistes renommés dans leur domaine :

Bref, je vous tiendrai au courant quand les autres activités Nspire (et leur page TI associée) sortiront, mais en attendant, voici quelques mots sur la première qui vient de sortir, celle sur les zombies :

Cette activité (de TI, et à but pédagogique, donc !) est établie en plusieurs parties :
  • Introduction et étude des parties du cerveau
    • Scénario zombie
    • Zones du cerveau touchées par le virus du zombie
    • Animation de l'évolution
    • Graph de l'évolution et Questions
  • Simulation et analyse
    • Script Lua de simulation de propagation du virus
    • Graphs correspondants
    • Questions

( D'ailleurs, si j'insiste sur le fait que la simulation (screenshot animé de droite) soit du Lua, c'est parce que je le sais bien, j'en suis l'auteur ;-) )

Voici une vidéo de présentation du contexte et de l'activité :

Liens :
- Site principal STEM behind Hollywood : http://education.ti.com/en/us/stem-hollywood/
- Sous-site sur les zombies avec les téléchargements : http://education.ti.com/en/us/stem-hollywood/zombies

Voici le texte original de la Press Release (en anglais) :
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From Zombies to Superheroes, New “STEM Behind Hollywood” Program from Texas Instruments
Turns Movie Magic into Real-World Lessons for Math and Science Classrooms

With help from actress Mayim Bialik and the National Academy of Sciences’ Science & Entertainment Exchange program, TI shows students how math and science makes movies and TV come to life

DALLAS (August 8, 2013) – There’s a lot more to Hollywood magic than smoke and mirrors – popular movie and TV shows about zombies, superheroes, spaceships and true crime only come to life because of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
That’s why Texas Instruments (TI) is launching “STEM Behind Hollywood”, an exciting new education program developed with assistance from The Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as actress, neuroscientist and STEM education advocate Mayim Bialik.
Aimed at getting middle and high school students excited about STEM subjects and careers, “STEM Behind Hollywood” makes math and science come to life in a series of free online classroom activities available at http://www.stemhollywood.com that help teachers demonstrate the real-world concepts behind four popular Hollywood themes: Zombies, Space, Superheroes and Forensics.
Each activity can be downloaded to the TI-NspireTM CX graphing calculator, Student Software or TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad®, allowing students to visualize and interact directly with sci-fi influenced representations of the math and science to gain a deeper understanding of the real-world concepts.
“We are helping teachers draw young people into STEM by showing the ‘cool factor’ of real-life science and math behind the magic they see in movies and on TV,” said Melendy Lovett, president of Texas Instruments Education Technology. “We are very excited to work with The Science & Entertainment Exchange and our STEM education brand ambassador Mayim Bialik on this initiative to capture students’ imaginations and cultivate a lifelong interest in STEM subjects and careers.”

These activities were developed with the help of scientists and experts from The Science & Entertainment Exchange who consult on Hollywood films and TV shows to ensure the accuracy of science and mathematics depicted on screen. And Bialik, who is not only the Emmy-nominated actress portraying a scientist on The Big Bang Theory but is also a scientist in real life, helps students make the connection between what they see on screen and real concepts.
“The Science and Entertainment Exchange is a nonprofit outreach of the National Academy of Sciences that brings scientists and entertainers together to make the movie magic as realistic as possible,” said Rick Loverd, Program Director of The Science & Entertainment Exchange. “When entertainers have questions about anything from robotics to physics to genetics as they’re making feature films, TV and videogames, we’ll bring in field experts who can help them develop whole worlds and characters and stories with real science behind them. One of our goals of this effort is to inspire the next generation of kids into STEM careers, and Texas Instruments’ approach to getting kids engaged in math and science by using Hollywood as an entry point, it’s really exciting.”

In the first activity, Zombies, Bialik teams up with Steven C. Schlozman, PhD, Harvard Medical School professor and renowned author of “The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse,” to help students explore several real-life scenarios of math and science – including what factors would impact the outbreak and spread of a “zombie pandemic,” much like the plot of the summer’s blockbuster film World War Z, and what a “zombie brain” teaches about a real, healthy human brain’s functions.
“It’s important to know zombies aren’t real but that doesn’t mean we can’t think out loud in the classroom about what makes them sick and have teachable moments with students on epidemiology and neurology,” said Dr. Schlozman. “This first activity takes scary, real-life scenarios like avian flu or Ebola outbreaks and turns it into something we can talk about and have some fun with, while still learning and exploring some very serious science concepts.”

In addition to Zombies, “STEM Behind Hollywood” activities will feature themes of Space, Superheroes and Forensics with the help of noted field experts, including:
• Space: Dr. Randii R. Wessen, Senior Technical Staff at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) Innovation Foundry
• Superheroes: Jim Kakalios, PhD, University of Minnesota professor, author of The Physics of Superheroes, and Exchange consultant for Watchmen and Green Lantern
• Forensics: Diane L. France, Ph.D., D-ABFA, Forensic Anthropologist and Director of the Human Identification Laboratory of Colorado

Teachers, students and parents can visit http://www.stemhollywood.com to learn more about the “STEM Behind Hollywood” program, access the free activities, and sign up to receive notifications when new activities are available. A free trial of TI-Nspire CX computer software is available for students and teachers to use with the activities.

For more information about Texas Instruments:
• Online: education.ti.com
• Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TICalculators, @TICalculators
• Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/TICalculators
• Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TICalculators
• Pinterest.com: http://www.pinterest.com/TIEdTech
• YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TexasInstrumentsCalc

About Texas Instruments
Education Technology, a business of Texas Instruments, provides a wide range of tools connecting the classroom experience with real-world applications, helping students and teachers to explore mathematics and science interactively. TI’s products and services are tested vigorously against recognized third-party research, which shows that the effective use of graphing calculators improves the mathematical skills of students and their attitudes toward mathematics. For more information, visit http://www.education.ti.com.
Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company that develops analog ICs and embedded processors. By employing the world's brightest minds, TI creates innovations that shape the future of technology. TI is helping more than 100,000 customers transform the future, today. Learn more at http://www.ti.com.

About National Academy of Sciences
The Science & Entertainment Exchange (The Exchange) is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit outreach program of the National Academy of Sciences. Created in 2008, The Exchange connects thousands top scientists, engineers and health experts with a wide range of entertainment professionals to create a greater awareness of, and a synergy between, realistic science and entertainment. Its programming is delivered through individual consultations, panels, salons, colloquia and initiative-based conferences to create relationships among its stakeholders, generate an interest in STEM curriculum and careers, and subtly shift the depiction of scientists and engineers in film, videogames, television and other entertainment formats. Ultimately, The Exchange acts as a conduit for delivering engaging scientific information. It also serves as creative incubator where, inspired by innovation, ideas are developed to reach new audiences through story which depict the dramatic improvements to the quality of our lives science makes possible.
For more information go to: http://www.scienceandentertainmentexchange.org
Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, iTunes and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

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Re: TI lance la campagne "STEM behind Hollywood"

Message non lude critor » 08 Aoû 2013, 15:26

Merci Adriweb pour cette passionnante actualité, et merci donc d'avoir contribué à cette superbe activité :)
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Re: TI lance la campagne "STEM behind Hollywood"

Message non lude Adriweb » 08 Aoû 2013, 15:34

Merci :P

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