
Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Message non lude Admin » 29 Juil 2020, 19:41

10889La calculatrice NumWorks est également disponible sous la forme d'applications pour Android et iPhone / iPad. :)

Ces applications bénéficient maintenant de mises à jour te permettant de retrouver sur ton smartphone ou ta tablette toutes les superbes améliorations apportées à la calculatrice par la version 14.4.0, notamment au niveau des applications Calculs et Python. :D

Pour l'application Android la chose va même un tout petit peu plus loin, puisqu'elle passe en fait en version 14.4.1. ;)

Installation : Application NumWorks pour Android / iPhone/iPad
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Re: Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Message non lude compsystems » 29 Juil 2020, 22:39

For simulation on touch devices, it is time to think that the screen is controlled by touch and not by cursor control.
it is natural to try to touch the screen and one is disappointed to see that it does not respond.
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Re: Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Message non lude Adriweb » 29 Juil 2020, 23:03

Well yes, it's a simulator, not a new product :P

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Re: Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Message non lude redgl0w » 30 Juil 2020, 07:24

compsystems a écrit:For simulation on touch devices, it is time to think that the screen is controlled by touch and not by cursor control.
it is natural to try to touch the screen and one is disappointed to see that it does not respond.

Indeed, it should be better in next versions :
- with https://github.com/numworks/epsilon/pull/1615 (if it's merged), the simulator should only react when there's a "click up" (releasing the key), and not like it works currently (when you move your cursor while clicked, the other keys you get on are clicked too).
- with https://github.com/numworks/epsilon/pull/1633, there'll be haptic feedback and visual key state
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Re: Mise à jour application NumWorks Android v. 14.4.1

Message non lude critor » 01 Aoû 2020, 10:35

compsystems a écrit:For simulation on touch devices, it is time to think that the screen is controlled by touch and not by cursor control.
it is natural to try to touch the screen and one is disappointed to see that it does not respond.

It's indeed a huge issue, and I'm regularly mistaken into touching the NumWorks screen on the smartphone, espacially on the home screen with app icons.

But for the moment, NumWorks is selling the hardware, not the software.
And I doubt they're going to improve this.

Indeed, what point would there be into buying a real NumWorks calculator if you can just install and run it and perfectly use it for free on the smartphone you already have ?
Exams ? Then you can just wait and buy / rent / borrow the calculator once you finally take the exam.
Assuming of course the smartphones ban on exams doesn't get lifted in the meantime, which is currently becoming less and less unlikely in France and many countries.
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