
Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/GII

Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude critor » 19 Fév 2017, 13:30

Ok, merci.

Je ne sais pas si je vais pouvoir reproduire le problème, vu que mes Graph 35+ sont déjà transformées.
Mais je vais tenter.
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude Aelred » 15 Mar 2017, 12:12

Hi, thanks for this guide, it has been very useful.

I was wondering if the "best upgrade" for the FX-9750Gii SH4 should have natural input/display?

I upgraded an SH3 version to 02.00.0200 FX-9860 OS to get natural display and it worked fine but I can't seem to get this feature on an 02.04 SH4 calculator.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude critor » 15 Mar 2017, 12:49


Unfortunately, I don't have an fx-9750GII.

Did you upgrade with an fx-9860GII image ?
Maybe it's disabled by default. From the RUN-MAT app, check with [SHIFT]+[MENU] if you've got on the 1st line an Input/Output option which can be set to Math or Line. It has to be set to Math.

If you did upgrade with an fx-9860GII image and don't have that option, maybe you could try again with a Graph 35+ SH4 image :
https://bible.planet-casio.com/casio/os ... s/2.05.bin
I think it does less hardware checks.
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude Aelred » 15 Mar 2017, 16:03

Yes, it was in the settings - I can't believe it was so simple!

Thank you!
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude critor » 15 Mar 2017, 16:07

Great ! :)

Thanks for confirming it works.
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 09 Avr 2017, 19:18

critor a écrit:
parrotgeek1 a écrit:
critor a écrit:Thanks - done ! :)

Also you should write that the S versions don't have the unit conversion, and that they and the slim original version not 2.0, are the only ones allowed in Singapore.

Thank you for the information.
What's the difference between the Slim 2.00 and 1.xx features ?

You never added this to the information. Can you do it?
Slim 1.xx doesn't have unit conversion (ANY 1.xx doesn't). Casio accidentally added it to slim 2.00, not realizing it violates regulations. That's why 2.00 was never really released.
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 04 Juin 2017, 02:45

parrotgeek1 a écrit:
critor a écrit:
parrotgeek1 a écrit:
critor a écrit:Thanks - done ! :)

Also you should write that the S versions don't have the unit conversion, and that they and the slim original version not 2.0, are the only ones allowed in Singapore.

Thank you for the information.
What's the difference between the Slim 2.00 and 1.xx features ?

You never added this to the information. Can you do it?
Slim 1.xx doesn't have unit conversion (ANY 1.xx doesn't). Casio accidentally added it to slim 2.00, not realizing it violates regulations. That's why 2.00 was never really released.

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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 19 Juil 2017, 16:43

2.09 has no unit conversion either
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude critor » 19 Juil 2017, 16:51

Thanks for the information. :)

Updated both of them.
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Message non lude amigafred37 » 21 Juil 2018, 01:19

Tested with my Graph 35+

Successfully in 2.05 patched 2.05_4M.bin with polyOS.

Just it's impossible to backup the rom if we are in OS error :)
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