
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linux)

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby KoolDude214 » 20 Jul 2019, 18:47

Lionel Debroux wrote:Which OS are you running this from ? "FIND: Parameter format not correct" doesn't ring a bell to me.

Originally I was running this from Windows, but I forgot about the Ndless SDK. Hence, I've switched to WSL (Linux subsystem)

critor wrote:@KoolDude214
If I remember well, the red floppy disk image is only displayed when something got saved to the flash.

make is ok, but you need to install the Ndless SDK first :
https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ... troduction

Ah, sounds good! I'm building the toolchain as I write this. One question though, the floppy disk appears even if I don't do anything and just use the reset button on the calculator. Nothing should have been saved in such a scenario, right?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby bruhmoment » 29 Aug 2019, 00:06

Thank you for the guide, it was very helpful.
I apologize if this has already been posted somewhere but could you guide me on uninstalling nboot and controlx, essentially returning the calculator to the stock form?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby critor » 24 Oct 2019, 00:02

ControlX updated to v. 5.0.2 :

Added support for CX & CX CAS OS 4.5.2.
Unlike with OS 4.5.1, there is no Ndless support for OS 4.5.2 yet. So you shouldn't update your OS to 4.5.2 unless you're forced to.

Disabled support for CX OS (or the CX payload becomes too big for Boot2
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby critor » 24 Oct 2019, 12:50

bruhmoment wrote:Thank you for the guide, it was very helpful.
I apologize if this has already been posted somewhere but could you guide me on uninstalling nboot and controlx, essentially returning the calculator to the stock form?

Unlike with nLoader, to my knowledge there is currently no good reason to uninstall nBoot+ControlX.
Moreover it's dangerous : the calculator might become unable to boot depending on the state of your boot partitions, and no automatic checks were developed for this.

So what's your issue with nBoot+ControlX so we can address it ?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby fdlb » 05 Nov 2019, 20:21


J'ai essayé d'installer nBoot + ControlX, j'ai bien réussi à installer nBoot, néanmoins lors de l'installation de ControlX, le fichier controlx.img.tns ne voulait pas se lancer sur la calculatrice (erreur fichier non valide??).

Je l'ai donc redémarré, et là, catastrophe... Elle démarre avec une barre chargement avec un fond blanc écrit "Ti=I-nSpire". Mais arrivé au milieu du chargement elle reboot. Et elle n'est plus reconnu sur mon pc...

J'ai essayé le reset mais j'ai un black screen (rien ne s'affiche, comme si elle était éteinte, et je pense que c'est le cas..)

Je pense bien que j'ai tué la calculatrice non ? :'(
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby critor » 05 Nov 2019, 20:46

Pas complètement.

Il est possible d'installer ControlX via une interface USB/TTL :
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby pingouin » 10 Oct 2020, 21:25

Merci, très bon tuto bien que pas recommende pour les cardiaques!

J'avais achete sur eBay une CX (non CAS) pour £15. J'ai reussi sans probleme a la convertir en CX CAS 4.5.1. Par contre, je n'ai pas accroche: alors apres quelques semaines, je l'ai revendu (£45, donc pas a me plaindre!).

j'avais deja achete une nSpire (modele LCD monochrome) d'occaz pas chere (il y a 1 ou 2 ans), que je n'avais pas aime et que j'avais revendue (a profit encore). Donc on dirait que TI nSpire n'est pas pour moi! Personnellement, je prefere la TI-89 (bien que j'ai aussi vendu ma TI-89 et ma TI-89 Titanium).

Retour a ma HP 48SX, et avec le profit de ma CX, je me suis trouve une Casio 9860g Slim!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby KoolDude214 » 18 Oct 2020, 19:17

Hello critor,

Really informative guide. Ended up getting it installed on my first calculator (Version 4.4.0), and now I'm working on installing it on a friend's calculator. It's a J model with OS 4.5.2. I realize that the OS is not explicitly listed as compatible in the guide, but it has a Boot1 version of Does this mean that I can use ControlX on it?

EDIT: Forgot to mention, this is a non-CAS model which I'm planning to load CAS onto. Will the 4.5.0 CAS patch work? If not, am I able to downgrade the calculator to 4.5.0 and use it or is it impossible?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby Ti64CLi++ » 18 Oct 2020, 19:26

No, the 4.5.2+ OS aren't supported yet. It's probably not a problem with ndless, it just won't install at every reboot, you'll have to manually do it. But for installing a CAS OS on a non-CAS it might brick the calc, so I wouldn't try anything if I was you
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Postby tristandeveloper » 04 Dec 2020, 19:37

Nclock. I have TI nspire HW-B. I hacked it to run cas on it. I wanted to install nclock and use it on the startup. But my nspire just loop restarting. I have OS patched with cas patcher.
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