
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linux)

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude obster3 » 23 Avr 2023, 18:59

When I open manuf.img it says "Image rejected as determined unsafe if flashed on this model" please help
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 23 Avr 2023, 21:16

What's your calculator datecode and revision ?

The information is available on the back, at the right of the serial number :
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude obster3 » 23 Avr 2023, 21:24

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 23 Avr 2023, 22:12


Indeed, revision AD it more recent than revision V.
Which means the nBoot exploit won't work.
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude obster3 » 23 Avr 2023, 22:22

Thanks for information. Is there any way I can install Cas Os to my Nspire CX or should I spend all my money on new calculator. Thanks for the reply man I really spend around an hour for nothing.
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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
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Inscription: 23 Avr 2023, 18:58
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 24 Avr 2023, 10:55

The other way is with nLoader :
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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YouTube: critor3000
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GitHub: critor

Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude nicopro300 » 06 Mai 2023, 21:24

hellooo, i recently updated my calculator to the os, i installed control x + nboot, but ndless doesn't install when the calculator finish booting, i tried wiping the ext and diag partition, reinstalled the os, and still couldn't make ndless automatically install when restart. any help please so i can fix this issue
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Niveau 1: MD (Membre Débutant)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 07 Mai 2023, 06:58

Do you have a ndless folder on the calculator ?
What's it content ?

You may share a screen capture or picture.
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
Prochain niv.: 46.2%
Messages: 41896
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Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
Localisation: Montpellier
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
YouTube: critor3000
Twitter/X: critor2000
GitHub: critor

Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude nicopro300 » 08 Mai 2023, 00:02

i have control x installed and wont load ndless on boot, i believe control x has it own way to load ndless, but here are the pictures, my calculator is revision D


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Niveau 1: MD (Membre Débutant)
Prochain niv.: 40%
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Inscription: 12 Déc 2022, 05:15
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