
Release of FormulaPro v1

Programme équivalent à EEPro des TI-89, mais sur TI-Nspire, en Lua.

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postby slarty bartfast » 04 Feb 2016, 18:46


I'm wondering if there is a version for OS 4?

Thanks :D
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Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postby Adriweb » 04 Feb 2016, 19:15

It should work as-is on OS 4 - have you encountered any specific issues?

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Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postby awinterstale33 » 05 Feb 2016, 22:08

Adriweb wrote:Hi,

awinterstale33 wrote:Enter in a variable for a value instead of a number.

Possible, yes, however we had taken extra steps (deleting all variables when solving) not to allow it "trivially". Because it's using solve() to do the calculations, user variables may interfere and it would be bad to have some value already there as a value for the solved variable, for instance... But if you know what you are doing and you are sure it won't interfere with the solving, you can simply declare your variable (with a prefix, maybe ? Like "my_theta" instead of "theta" if you wanted that) and use Lock my_theta. That way, FormulaPro won't delete it before solving and you will be able to use it as a variable/value.

awinterstale33 wrote:Enter a global function for a value

That works the same way. Declare it and Lock it.

I've tested that successfully as well :)
Note that when you press enter it will evaluate the expression/function so you'll see the result directly, it won't keep the original input.

Hi Adriweb, I haven't been able to replicate this. Could you give me a little more direction? I don't have much experience coding with Lua but only Java and Vba a little for school. Do I declare the variables in the LUA editor or on the calc?
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Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postby Adriweb » 05 Feb 2016, 23:20

The variables have to be declared (/initialized) and Locked from the calculator app, not from Lua.

So, you go into a calculator tab (insert one (Ctrl-I) after the FormulaPro one, for instance), and do : i:=42 then Lock i.
Now FormulaPro will not modify it and will be taken into account in calculations when you use it as a value.

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Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postby awinterstale33 » 06 Feb 2016, 00:13

Awesome! Thanks! I'm going to try it right now...

I tested this with the ohm's Law page.
If I declare i:=is and lock it, and enter in "i" or "is" into the current field, it says invalid input. I was hoping for the other fields to be updated with the calculated value, except with my variable for i instead of a numerical value.
However, when I copy and paste the formula back into the calculator page and hit enter, all the variables are replaced with the numerical values except i is replaced with is. So it works if I copy and paste it, how I was hoping. Am I doing it wrong still or it that the only way it will work? (Which is still awesome btw.)
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