
I don't speak French, but...

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I don't speak French, but...

Unread postby daemonspudguy » 09 Jul 2020, 19:21

I do plan on learning French after I finish what I want to learn in German. Merci for reading!
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Re: I don't speak French, but...

Unread postby M4x1m3 » 09 Jul 2020, 19:32

Well, have a nice time learning French ^^. You might find it a bit hard at first (french grammar is somewhat of a bitch, even native speakers struggle with it, but it's a nice language to learn).
Also, TiPlanet is almost bilingual, so don't hesitate to write in English whenever you feel like it, as most people here understand and speak English.
"Regression testing"? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is perfect.
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Re: I don't speak French, but...

Unread postby oxiti8 » 29 Sep 2020, 03:54

I've also been learning French, and Ti-Planet I've found is a good way to see what I know and don't know.
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