
A trick to "lock" the counterfeited fx-82MS

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A trick to "lock" the counterfeited fx-82MS

Message non lude BrainPortable » 15 Juil 2015, 09:24

Hello,I am BrainPortable.I have done this successfully on many Chinese-made counterfeited fx-82MS,however,I haven't done this on a foreign counterfeited fx-82MS before.
This trick is only available on "type-A" counterfeites (press on+7+shift to enter diagnostic),not available on "type-B" counterfeites(press on+cos+2 for diagnostic).There may be "type-C",but I haven't found it yet.
First,turn on the calculator.Then,press [shift] [mode] [1].And then,hold [←] for a few seconds.Then,release [←] and then hold [=] at the same time(be quick!).Don't release [=].Then,you will see LCD flash quickly and then display nothing except icon [G].And then...The counterfeited fx-82MS will be 'locked".It will halt and won't react to any operation---[ON] key included.The only way to “unlock”it is to push the [Reset] hole or to remove batteries and then put them back.
PS:I haven't do this on any of the foreign counterfeites(Lexibook,etc.)before.This trick may not work on these conterfeites.And I hope that someone can put it into test.Thanks.
Portable brain X:/ unmounted
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