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X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

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X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude catastropher » 28 Juil 2017, 04:28

Hello! My name is catastropher (some of you may know me from Codewalrus) and I am the developer of X3D, a 3D engine for PC and the Nspire. I've been working on X3D for the past two years (and have restarted it several times, the most recent being the beginning of the summer). Though still in early alpha, X3D is a very powerful engine and is written entirely from scratch in C. The source, currently ~12k lines, is available on my github here. As of a few weeks ago, it can now load Quake levels and is able to render them at 10-20 fps on the Nspire CX. And as of today, it can do lighting as well:

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If you guys are interested, I'll upload a demo soon :) Please let me know what you think!
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude Adriweb » 28 Juil 2017, 07:51

I've said it before, but this is definitely worth saying again: Congratulations, this is impressive, and the portability is very nice :D
I'm sure people would like to try a demo, even if limited :) Feel free to upload one to the archives!

(Out of curiosity, even though it would have less users than the other versions, what's the state of the 68k version? Since that's in the name/description of the repo :P)

Edit: since I'm doing Emscripten stuff these days, have the thought of having a web version (compiled automatically to asm.js via emscripten) crossed your mind? It is probably not so hard to port since SDL is available/integrated.

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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude catastropher » 29 Juil 2017, 21:53

Adriweb a écrit:I've said it before, but this is definitely worth saying again: Congratulations, this is impressive, and the portability is very nice :D

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the support :D

Adriweb a écrit:I'm sure people would like to try a demo, even if limited :) Feel free to upload one to the archives!

Done! The demo is here if you'd like to give it a try!

Adriweb a écrit:(Out of curiosity, even though it would have less users than the other versions, what's the state of the 68k version? Since that's in the name/description of the repo :P)

Haha the 68k port was abandoned because it doesn't have enough memory/processing power :( I never changed the name of the repo though! XD

Adriweb a écrit:Edit: since I'm doing Emscripten stuff these days, have the thought of having a web version (compiled automatically to asm.js via emscripten) crossed your mind? It is probably not so hard to port since SDL is available/integrated.

I'll take a look into it!
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude catastropher » 22 Déc 2017, 19:30

Hi guys, I'm reposting this from Codewalr.us:

Well I've been on a coding binge for the last few weeks so I thought I'd give an update:
  • Implemented mouselook (yaaay no more turning with arrow keys!)
  • Implemented loading/rendering of level models
  • Added object type system for game objects
  • Added some builtin game objects, such as button and rising platform
  • Added event system with triggers e.g. push a button makes a platform raise
  • Figured out how to get paint on walls, which will be used for Portal gels!
  • Added numerous upgrades to the physics engine
Here's a demo of a small Portal-like chamber with all of the aforementioned feature (aside from the paint):

I did my best to make it somewhat look like a Portal chamber. I'm very excited because the engine is finally getting to a point where you can start doing real things with it. If anyone is interested in giving the demo a try the source is on github! :D
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude grosged » 22 Déc 2017, 20:31

! wonderful !
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude Adriweb » 22 Déc 2017, 20:43

That's a very impressive demo, congrats and keep going!

(Also, I replaced your big .gif by a much smaller webm :P)

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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 22 Déc 2017, 22:42

Fantastic work, as always :)
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude catastropher » 27 Déc 2017, 05:26

Apologies for the late response! I hope everyone had a merry Christmas/happy holiday! :D

grosged a écrit:! wonderful !

Thank you very much!

Adriweb a écrit:That's a very impressive demo, congrats and keep going!

(Also, I replaced your big .gif by a much smaller webm :P)

Thanks for the encouragement and for replacing the gif, I had never heard of webm!

Lionel Debroux a écrit:Fantastic work, as always :)

Thank you! You know, it was you emailing me a few years ago that inspired me to keep going on the project! It's taking me forever but hopefully I'll have a full working game of Portal at the end of this!
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude catastropher » 09 Juil 2018, 00:48

Been working on the new portal rendering system :3

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I've decided to switch to a 3 month release schedule so that I don't keep disappearing for 6 months at a time :P So I'm looking at releasing a playable demo in September. I'll make a post shortly with what my development goals are by then! I've been making a lot of structural changes to the engine since it's now written in C++ rather than C. This left 35k lines of code to be refactored... so I'm trying to balance adding new features with cleaning up what's there.
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Re: X3D - A 3D Engine for Nspire and PC

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 09 Juil 2018, 06:21

Good progress :)

You're right to have switched to C++. C has been stagnating for years, and platforms which don't have a C++ compiler are unfit for running such engines at a decent framerate anyway.

What are the binary's size and the RAM usage for the Nspire, if you're still maintaining support for that platform ?
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