
nQuake Testers needed

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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude rwill » 13 Avr 2022, 17:55

Adriweb a écrit:Woops we got sidetracked I guess. I'm sure we will make a news about it though!
Nice job !

No need. I think I got the old Nspire models covered, the question if it runs on CX II remains somewhat but I am confident.
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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude Adriweb » 13 Avr 2022, 17:56

Well, I suppose just a few lines (after we test the new build on various hardware) can't hurt anyway :)
But yes, it should work fine on all models if built with the latest SDK and nothing very weird is done in the code.

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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude SlyVTT » 14 Avr 2022, 12:06

just tested nQuake 1.03 on my CX II-T CAS and it works perfectly well. no more alert nor glitches on the screen.
You made a very good job rwill.


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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude Adriweb » 14 Avr 2022, 16:42

rwill a écrit:And report back the seconds and FPS number it prints in the console once it is done with the demo playback ?

On my CX II: 969 frames 34.0 seconds 28.5 FPS

Here's what the self-starting demo looks like (the lighting wasn't that great in the room at this moment though)

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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude rwill » 14 Avr 2022, 18:50

Thanks for trying it out.

And 28.5 FPS is not bad.

Original Pentium 133 Mhz got around ~30 but the Pentium had an FPU and maybe faster or better tuned RAM/Hardware access.

It could be way worse though.
I think I linked to this somewhere else before... : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2zsV-kXMIk
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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude critor » 15 Avr 2022, 12:41

A huge increase in performances here, from 20 to 26fps on the CX II-T, marvelous ! :bj:

By the way I noticed a little issue here, the game reboots in demo2.
You can test by launching the game and then wait doing nothing, it'll start playing demo2 at the end of demo1.
Or you can open the console and type timedemo demo2.
The reboot occurs after a while, always at the same time.
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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude rwill » 15 Avr 2022, 19:31

critor a écrit:By the way I noticed a little issue here, the game reboots in demo2.
You can test by launching the game and then wait doing nothing, it'll start playing demo2 at the end of demo1.
Or you can open the console and type timedemo demo2.
The reboot occurs after a while, always at the same time.

Hm, I tried with timedemo demo2 and playdemo demo2 and cannot reproduce the issue :(

I tried some different setups and even the Windows Version in high resolution... not on CX II though.

Is this with modified game files or are the data .pak files unmodified ?
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Re: nQuake Testers needed

Message non lude critor » 15 Avr 2022, 19:36

Ok, thanks. Must come from my pak files then.
Maybe I made them smaller for the calc, I don't remember.
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