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Warning in Emulator

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Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Rankail » 29 Aoû 2021, 20:55

I wrote a little Abstraction for SDL_gfxPrimitives. I wanted to try it with a simple test by just drawing a rectangle. It all worked fine. But when i closed the file the firebird-emulator prints an warning in the Debugger-Dock:
Code: Tout sélectionner
Warning (126011d4): Data abort: address=00700065 status=05 instruction at 126011d4
Anyone knows what that is or how i can find out where it originates from?
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
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Inscription: 09 Nov 2019, 18:33
Localisation: Germany, North Rhine-Westfalia
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Re: Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 29 Aoû 2021, 21:16

Could you please share your code so I can look into it ?
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Re: Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Vogtinator » 29 Aoû 2021, 21:21

The easiest way is to use the gdb integration (https://github.com/nspire-emus/firebird ... g-with-GDB). When the data abort (aka segfault) happens, you can get a backtrace.
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Re: Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Rankail » 30 Aoû 2021, 18:05

I found the problem myself. I free a SDL_Surface and a nSDL_Font in the destructor of my Abstraction. I changed the structure a bit because the destructor would only be called after SDL_Quit.
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 64%
Messages: 21
Inscription: 09 Nov 2019, 18:33
Localisation: Germany, North Rhine-Westfalia
Genre: Homme
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Classe: 12

Re: Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Rankail » 02 Sep 2021, 19:55

So what i found doesn't solve the problem. That's just what i thought at the first moment. I can open my program and close it but whenever i open and close it multiple times it shows the waiting symbol and after a few seconds the calc in the emulator restarts. Whenever it does so it throws an error in the debugger:
Code: Tout sélectionner
Warning (13a574d0): Data abort: address=0001002f status=01 instruction at 13a574d0.
The numbers are always a bit different.

There was also a problem where i would get a memory error after restarting a slightly other code around 10-20 times. I couldn't find any memory leaks though. So i spend the last 2-3 days "playing" around with the pointers. Changing from pointers to smart pointers and the other way around. Adding delete for all pointers i found. Nothing seemed to work 100% fine. Anyone can help me? I uploaded my code to github because i honestly don't know what to do anymore.
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 64%
Messages: 21
Inscription: 09 Nov 2019, 18:33
Localisation: Germany, North Rhine-Westfalia
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
Classe: 12

Re: Warning in Emulator

Message non lude Rankail » 02 Sep 2021, 20:08

If you want to know anything about how the code should work or i missed some info please tell me
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Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Niveau 4: MC (Membre Confirmé)
Prochain niv.: 64%
Messages: 21
Inscription: 09 Nov 2019, 18:33
Localisation: Germany, North Rhine-Westfalia
Genre: Homme
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Classe: 12

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