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Installing the Ndless SDK

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Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude ivanbsabev » 23 Mai 2017, 21:59

How can I install the ndless sdk on Ubuntu? Can someone give me a step by step tutorial?
:nsh: :nse: :nsl: :nsp:
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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude critor » 23 Mai 2017, 22:02


In theory, I think you just need to :

Let's hope it'll build without errors.
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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude Adriweb » 23 Mai 2017, 22:03

Well, more detailed steps are written in the repo's wiki.

Read this (for the dependencies) : https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ... k-yourself
Then follow the steps from here: https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ... nd-the-sdk

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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude ivanbsabev » 24 Mai 2017, 22:20

Is there any guide on installing all the dependencies?
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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude SpiderX13 » 17 Fév 2021, 10:49

Information is missing in all the tutos,
Here are the dependencies I use for Ubuntu 20.04 :

sudo apt install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev python3-dev build-essential binutils git wget zlib texinfo

I had always "Error 2" en after a while, I install texinfo (for Make Info) and now the build produce :

Cleaning up...
You can delete the download/ directory to save some space.

Hope it helps
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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude SlyVTT » 17 Fév 2021, 20:32


I made a tutorial on that topic just here https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=24557#p258741, but I realize I wrote it in French, so maybe hard to follow for an english spoker.

So let me give you the main points, assuming your Ubuntu distribution is already running with an internet conenction.
The background of my tutorial was an installation within a windows computer running Kubuntu through a virtual machine, but I guess it is very similar with Ubuntu.

the easy way is to first install the package python3-dev :
Code: Tout sélectionner
sudo apt install python3-dev

then there is an automatic installer that you can find here : https://github.com/trueToastedCode/NdlessSDK-automated-installer consisting in a single python script that:
- downloads and installs all the missing packages
- downloads the SDK
- AND builds and installs the SDK properly.

I recommend putting the .py script directly in your home folder. It will create all the needed subfolders and installs in a clean way.

Just run it with
Code: Tout sélectionner
sudo python ./NdlessSDK_AutoInstall.py

Hope it helps.

One last remark ... it takes an eternity to compile !! So don't be surprised.

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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude grosged » 21 Aoû 2021, 16:42

SlyVTT a écrit:then there is an automatic installer that you can find here : https://github.com/trueToastedCode/NdlessSDK-automated-installer consisting in a single python script that:
- downloads and installs all the missing packages
- downloads the SDK
- AND builds and installs the SDK properly.

I recommend putting the .py script directly in your home folder. It will create all the needed subfolders and installs in a clean way.

Just run it with
Code: Tout sélectionner
sudo python ./NdlessSDK_AutoInstall.py

Hope it helps.

One last remark ... it takes an eternity to compile !! So don't be surprised.


Merci beaucoup!!!
longue installation réalisée avec succès ;)
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Re: Installing the Ndless SDK

Message non lude SlyVTT » 21 Aoû 2021, 17:06

Very good :-)
Some works in progress :
The GUI Toolkit NF for nSpireMyShmup for fxCG-50Magic Light for Casio Graph 90+E
Magic Light for nSpire CX/CX-II
Simple Text Editor for nSpireOutRun for Casio Graph 90+E
And more to come ... stay tuned
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