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Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Message non lude SuperXX » 03 Juil 2021, 12:55

parisse a écrit:Did you get a giac.elf file? If so, then run genzehn by hand. If not, then run nspire-ld by hand, according to the Makefile
Code: Tout sélectionner
khicas.tns:   $(OBJS) giacnspire.o #missing.o
   nspire-ld -o giac.elf giacnspire.o $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
   $(GENZEHN) --compress --input giac.elf --output khicas.tns.zehn --name "giac"  --uses-lcd-blit true #--240x320-support  true

If you run by hand, OBJS and LDFLAGS must be replaced by their definitions, GENZEHN is simply genzehn

Ok, I needed to manually install Genzehn, but it´s now done.

Now I think I compiled it:


But I can´t see neither ptt.tns (which is mentioned on the Makefile:
Code: Tout sélectionner
$(GENZEHN) --input giac.elf --output khicas.tns.zehn --name "giac"  --uses-lcd-blit true
   make-prg ptt.tns.zehn ptt.tns
   genzehn --info --input ptt.tns
   /bin/cp ptt.tns /home/ubuntu/Ndless/ti/ndless

but there is no ptt.tns on that directory and not even on the .zip) and shakeys.tns (though that is never mentioned on the makefile or nowhere, I can only see it on the folder to install khicas on my calculator and I can´t understand what is it and, to add up, it also doesn´t open on my calc)

I deleted the files I had on the ndless folder, except the ndless files and imported the compiled files into my calculator (without ptt.tns and shakeys.tns) and I´m having a screen problem.

Now, maybe if I play around with the makefile code I could do this by myself, but, since I´m already here, the file only talks about for the CX II and CX HW-W screens. Mine is a HW:Y. What should I change?

And here is a last question that has nothing to do with compiling at all:
Do I need the XCas folder on my calc? The install file doesn´t mention to copy it, and I just have it on my calculator occupiyng space.

Thank You
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Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
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Re: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

Message non lude parisse » 03 Juil 2021, 14:33

For your hardware, try without --uses-lcd-blit true, this should solve the screen display bugs.
You can not generate ptt.tns and shakeys.tns, because these files are used to activate KhiCAS exam mode on the nspire cx (it works like TI exam mode, but it does not erase the ressources required to run KhiCAS).
The Xcas folder contains session examples. You don't need to copy it on your calc, except if you want to run the examples of course.
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Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
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Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing? [SOLVED]

Message non lude SuperXX » 04 Juil 2021, 10:45

parisse a écrit:For your hardware, try without --uses-lcd-blit true, this should solve the screen display bugs.

Ok,I removed " --uses-lcd-blit true" and it was still not working properly. I had to do it like if it was for HW-W and removed the "--240x320-support true" and with compatibility mode it´s working, so I´m fine with that.

parisse a écrit:You can not generate ptt.tns and shakeys.tns, because these files are used to activate KhiCAS exam mode on the nspire cx (it works like TI exam mode, but it does not erase the ressources required to run KhiCAS).


parisse a écrit:The Xcas folder contains session examples. You don't need to copy it on your calc, except if you want to run the examples of course.

Great, I hope it helps, because my calculator is getting really slow when I click in "My Documents"

Well, that´s it. Thank You so Much @parisse and @Adriweb for all the help! :)

Maybe later this week I´ll make a summary of every problem I encountered and the solution for them for future reference

See ya
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Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Prochain niv.: 43.8%
Messages: 66
Inscription: 15 Mai 2021, 10:25
Genre: Homme
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