
Broken TI89 ?

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Broken TI89 ?

Unread postby gandalfgray » 19 Oct 2023, 18:03

Hi guys
i have a (VERY) old TI-89, the one with the programming jack (not the usb) and TI-Connect.
It doesn't show any anything when powered on, totally blank screen

I can enter the program mode by powering on with the APP button pressed then pressing 9.
I'm able to upload the firmware (2.09) but even after that, i don't see anything on screen.

any idea ? should I use a specific firmware for this very old calculator ?
I've saw that after a flash the TI-Connect show "Cancelled by user", but i didn't cancel anything and the calculator seems to be powered off (or blank screen).
Are there any timeout after programming (maybe i have to press something immediatly after flashing to store the OS ?)

I'm out of idea
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Re: Broken TI89 ?

Unread postby katherjeffer » 22 Mar 2024, 09:48

I think you can try adjusting the contrast settings on your TI-89. Press and hold the [2nd] key, then press and release the [Up] or [Down] arrow key to increase or decrease the contrast. It's possible that the screen is displaying content but with a very low contrast, making it difficult to see.
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Re: Broken TI89 ?

Unread postby critor » 22 Mar 2024, 12:12

Yes, you should try adjusting the contrast once the firmware has been successfully uploaded.

Except that the key shortcuts are
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Re: Broken TI89 ?

Unread postby purplefurnace » 09 Apr 2024, 09:42

While firmware version 2.09 is compatible with the TI-89, it's possible that using a different version might resolve the issue. You can try searching for older firmware versions and see if any of them work better for your calculator. super mario bros
Check the Contrast: Sometimes, the screen can appear blank if the contrast setting is too low. Try adjusting the contrast by pressing the "Diamond" key followed by the "+" or "-" keys.
Inspect the Screen and Connections: Check the screen for any physical damage or debris that might be obstructing the display. Also, ensure that the connection between the calculator and the computer via the programming jack is secure.
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