
Using TInspire CAS as a Tool (Hundreds of Problems/Libaries)

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Using TInspire CAS as a Tool (Hundreds of Problems/Libaries)

Message non lude lschroeder » 01 Mai 2016, 12:41

Using TInspire CAS as a Tool enables students struggling with math to succeed; hard working students to shine; and gifted students to increase their understanding and problem solving skills.

Attached you will find the MyDocument.zip file that contains a complete set of ‘tns’ files for my Kindle eBook, TInspire Guide Algebra Fundamentals, and the addendum I wrote for my Graphing Calculator Tutorial, published by Cengage. Hope that using the emulators, TI handheld, accompanying Window/Mac software or iPad app you find the files and associated libraries useful.

Use the following three steps to maximize your use of TInspire CAS as a tool. See the versatility of emulators by how they deliver the wide range of files and libraries found in the included MyDocument.zip file.

1. Access the tool anywhere. Use the TInspire CAS handheld, included Windows or Mac TInspire CAS software, TInspire CAS iPad app, SpiroH’s nspiroid and karmTI emulators, or open source firebird emulator.

2. Step-by-step traditional and TInspire solutions. Use the Kindle’s TInspire Guide Algebra Fundamentals eBook and/or accompanying YouTube videos on your phone, tablet, and Windows /Mac /Chromebook computer to fill the gap between traditional and automated solutions. Free two chapter sample of the Guide and the complete set of the Guide’s YouTube videos can be found at ComputerLearningService website. All the Guide’s files and libraries are included in the MyDocument.zip file.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice. Use the MyDocuments.zip BCAddendum TInspire ‘tns’ chapter files and MyDocuments.zip MyLib library files to assist you with a review of algebra and Finite Math instruction (Finite Math instruction being Algebra and Statistic applications). The BCAddendum is based on the Interactive Skill Builder CD Graphing Calculator Tutorial for Tan’s series of textbooks for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences. Study these problems and their solutions to see how to use CAS as a tool in assisting with traditional manual solutions.

BCAddendum files for the TInspire were built to be self-contained so they can be referenced anywhere at any time on any TInspire CAS device or emulator without needing the CD or its textbook.
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Re: Using TInspire CAS as a Tool (Hundreds of Problems/Libar

Message non lude Adriweb » 03 Mai 2016, 19:16

Once again, great job :)

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