
Journey in Odessia | English | Insane Project :)

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Journey in Odessia | English | Insane Project :)

Unread postby rnirnber » 22 May 2023, 16:49

Hello everyone!

My name is Raymond and I am a software engineer living in Los Angeles, California. I would like to announce that I recently published a game that was a 3-year project (the long duration is because I work full-time as a programmer for a media company.)


This game is a Japanese style RPG, similar to pokemon or breath of fire for the original Gameboy. You rescue a princess, fight monsters, and collect EXP + Gold. The game is 1-bit (pixels are exclusively pure black and pure white). There are around 150 scenes/maps, and you can play this game for quite a long time. I have only tested on the Nspire CX II. It should also work on Nspire CX I, but the game might be slower on the older device. The most interesting part of the project is the engine/compiler.

I built a tool in C# that scans bitmaps, and converts them into GFX.setPixel methods, and has Lua code embedded in JSON files. The program is pretty crazy. The working area of the NSpire screen was 318 x 212 pixel. A common denominator was 53, so there are 6 53x53 pixel squares on the horizontal side, and 4 53x53 pixel squares on the vertical side. To make the game run faster, the C# code scans each 53x53 pixel bitmap file and determines if there are more white pixels than black pixels. If there are more black pixels, the code renders the whole square black, and then only draws the white pixels in that area. There are more pretty crazy things about this project, but for now I'll leave it at that (I don't want to make this post too long).

I proudly offer this game for entertainment, and I have published the source code so that other programmers might take a look and perhaps build something similar.

Thank you TI community!
-Raymond Nirnberger
Last edited by rnirnber on 27 May 2023, 03:15, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Journey in Odessia | English | Insane Project :)

Unread postby _Orlando_ » 22 May 2023, 17:36

Hi, I played this game on my Nspire CX-II T and I loved it. The retro style is cool and I liked the adventure I discovered through the map and the story.
The only thing I would add is a bigger variety of enemies because encounters became repetitive at times.
Overall nice game I would recommend for nostalgic pokemon fans :)
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Re: Journey in Odessia | English | Insane Project :)

Unread postby Adriweb » 21 Jun 2023, 10:50

I made a news article about it, congrats :)

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Re: Journey in Odessia | English | Insane Project :)

Unread postby critor » 21 Jun 2023, 11:05

Thank you very much. :)
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