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n-flashcards: study from csv files

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n-flashcards: study from csv files

Unread postby lights0123 » 05 Jun 2019, 03:26

I've always wanted a way to study flashcards easily from Quizlet. Yes, I could create flashcards from the built-in Notes app, but then I'd have to type everything in manually. So, I decided that a perfect first app for my project of adding Rust support to ndless would be to create an app that displays flashcards from Quizlet.

  • Pick study sets from the file system
  • Star flashcards to study just a few flashcards within a set, and they are saved between launches
  • Uses freetype with Roboto, so it's easy to read, unlike the default font that nSDL has
  • Use the touchpad to quickly scroll through cards
  • Is probably the only thing that uses the little flag key on the keyboard (seriously, what is it there for?)


Image Image Image

The source is here, and you can pick up a tns file here. Note that you'll need ndless installed to use it. See the repository for detailed instructions involving csv files, and exporting from Quizlet.

This is the first app that uses Rust and ndless! The Rust toolchain almost ready for release, and I'll make a separate post when it is. However, if you'd like to jump right in to development, you can always fork this and get started.
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Re: n-flashcards: study from csv files

Unread postby Adriweb » 31 Oct 2019, 12:27

I was looking up n-89 when I stumbled upon this topic :P
Nice job :)

Regarding this:
Is probably the only thing that uses the little flag key on the keyboard (seriously, what is it there for?)

Well, it's tot type accented letters etc. while in the Notes app for instance. type 'e' then the flag key (repeatedly if needed) to get accented variants of 'e'.

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