
Screen Issues and more-linux Ti Nspire CX revision Y

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Re: Screen Issues and more-linux Ti Nspire CX revision Y

Message non lude Vogtinator » 27 Nov 2021, 16:46

unfortunetly I forgot to bring my wireless keyboard so I could type "|" in the command.

Or just press :nssh: + :nspp: on the builtin keyboard.
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Niveau 9: IC (Compteur Infatigable)
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Re: Screen Issues and more-linux Ti Nspire CX revision Y

Message non lude SuperXX » 03 Déc 2021, 18:58

Vogtinator a écrit:Hm, none of those show any error messages, but also no success messages, like USB device announcements. So I assume that neither mouse nor USB drive were detected at all?

The best way to view dmesg without a serial console or file transfer is to run dmesg | less and taking pictures of each page. IIRC the pipe is :nssh: + :nspp: .

I´ve discovered what made the mouse to cause trouble with the CXII, it was always the USB Y splitter. Yesterday, when I was trying to run dmesg | less and connect the hub as I would connect, I realized that nothing that I plugged was working anymore and after some testing with my computer and smartphone, I realised that the Y splitter ended up being dead. After searching in my home, I found a USB A 3.0 to USB A 3.0 cable and tried to connect to one of the 3 ports on the hub, from my Power Wall Adapter. And it worked. Everything is working. The LED´s on the mouse can be modified as I do on my PC by pressing the top buttons, which wasn´t possible before. So, the best way to power a hub ends up being this. And we conclude that this was only a lack of power issue.

Now I can use dillo!!!!!!!!!! :)

Next step. Getting Internet working. I´ll come back if I have problems with that.
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Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Prochain niv.: 43.8%
Messages: 66
Inscription: 15 Mai 2021, 10:25
Genre: Homme
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