
Identification processeur Zero: STM32F412/413 Arm Cortex-M4

Re: Identification processeur Zero: STM32F412/413 Arm Cortex

Unread postby parisse » 06 Apr 2022, 11:24

Je me demande si c'est possible a TI d'attaquer Zero sur le layout du clavier car il n'a pas change depuis tres longtemps. La protection a du etre faite par des mecanismes de type brevet qui ont une duree de vie limitee, sans doute pas plus de 20 ans.
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Re: Identification processeur Zero: STM32F412/413 Arm Cortex

Unread postby TIny_Hacker » 06 Apr 2022, 12:31

I asked Zero about whether they would be worried about legal issues with TI and they said they've taken all the precautions necessary, so I think that in the case of an attack they would at least have some chance of winning.
-- TIny_Hacker

You thought there was something else? Nope, just a boring signature 😉
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Re: Identification processeur Zero: STM32F412/413 Arm Cortex

Unread postby compsystems » 07 Apr 2022, 15:45

TI is a multimillion-dollar company, it must worry about continuing to innovate its calculator products and let others clone its products from the Hardware part, since in the end what matters is the software or the intangible.
I also hope that they also clone (hardware) the Hp-prime and the classpad400 and innovate in Software, include Xcas, Maxima, Python and communication with microcontrollers, which is the future STEAM, union of electronics with mathematics and programming,... .
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