
Age of CEmpires I

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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby FjFk » 28 May 2018, 16:51

this game is verry big, not ?
because the memorie of the TI-83PCE is not verry big ^^
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby PT_ » 28 May 2018, 18:33

leJKnational wrote:this game is verry big, not ?
because the memorie of the TI-83PCE is not verry big ^^

The game itself is not that big (yet); however, the graphics are about 350K currently, and is likely going to be even more when it's ready ;)
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby FjFk » 28 May 2018, 19:23

ok ... is big ^^
i have 150763 in ram free, it's good ? and it is possilbe for arc the graphics not use ?
ps: sorry, i dosen't good speack in english ^^
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby PT_ » 28 May 2018, 19:44

leJKnational wrote:ok ... is big ^^
i have 150763 in ram free, it's good ? and it is possilbe for arc the graphics not use ?
ps: sorry, i dosen't good speack in english ^^

Well, sorry, but you need at least 160kB free RAM to run this game, and no, they can't be put in flash, because that is much slower access....

Sorry to troll you, everything is put to flash, but AoCE backups RAM and then uses the entire RAM, so don't worry ;)
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby puppy65 » 28 May 2018, 19:50

Can I run this from archive with Cesium ? ;)
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby PT_ » 28 May 2018, 19:51

puppy65 wrote:Can I run this from archive with Cesium ? ;)

Of course, as long as Cesium can run apps.
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby FjFk » 28 May 2018, 20:27

PT_ wrote:
leJKnational wrote:ok ... is big ^^
i have 150763 in ram free, it's good ? and it is possilbe for arc the graphics not use ?
ps: sorry, i dosen't good speack in english ^^

Well, sorry, but you need at least 160kB free RAM to run this game, and no, they can't be put in flash, because that is much slower access....

Sorry to troll you, everything is put to flash, but AoCE backups RAM and then uses the entire RAM, so don't worry ;)

ok, thank you ^^
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby Thorondor » 12 Jun 2024, 19:57

Good morning
The last message was sent six years ago. Is the age of cempire still being programmed or has it been abandoned. Is there a version (not even finished) available?
Thanks in advance

(sorry I don't speak English very well)
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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby Bobb » 18 Jun 2024, 22:18

The Cemetech topic is no longer active since 2018 (same as here), and the GitHub repo for Age of Cempires doesn't exist anymore. PT_ has not published any version of his game on Cemetech.

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Re: Age of CEmpires I

Unread postby Thorondor » 27 Jun 2024, 16:30

Thank you

(I saw that you managed to recover the battery level in your android simulator. Is there a memory address for this? I tried to find it for one of my ICE programs but I didn't succeed.)
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